How do you make a small fortune at motor racing

the-lada-dude, Jan 28, 2:07pm
start with a large one!

woki, Jan 28, 3:26pm
Sell hot dogs at $3 each !

ryanm2, Jan 28, 3:27pm
in 2002, must be $5 each now.

mrfxit, Jan 28, 3:59pm
$7 for a 330 bottle of Coke at Te Awa hoyts cinema

mrfxit, Jan 28, 4:09pm
Would be pretty good sales at a big event IF. the promoters let you sell at that price.

elect70, Jan 28, 5:00pm
Have fat boy dot com asyour sponsor ,

socram, Jan 28, 7:59pm
The catering franchise is usually well stitched up.

plasticboys, Jan 28, 8:42pm
win the moto gp

kazbanz, Jan 29, 12:32am
Like he sait to bvegin with--start with a large fortune.

socram, Jan 29, 12:46am
Get on side with Bernie Ecclestone's daughters.

morrisman1, Jan 29, 1:12am
To-do list:
1: Get on side with Bernie Ecclestone's daughters.
2: Bang both of them
3: Then worry about money

tigra, Jan 29, 2:21am
Which one! Probably Deborah I'm too old for the other 2

wrong2, Jan 29, 2:24am
one has their own reality TV show

its terra-bad

taintedkitten, Jan 29, 2:24am
At the drags today. Hot dogs were $7 dude.

1ollie, Jan 29, 6:16am
Haha $3 is cheap for a hot dog these days, defanatly well below average and dont worry about hot chips haha they are normaly only 50c or $1 more than a hotdog!

elect70, Jan 29, 9:09pm
Gala caterers still sellhot dogs (stick )at Manfeild for $4 inctomato sauce & a serviette , yummy too .

morrisman1, Jan 29, 10:11pm
Teretonga sell hotdogs and chips and pies for $2.50 I think it is. Good chips too.

noswalg, Nov 18, 9:14am
you went to the wrong stand then, I was paying $4 (on a stick) and $6 (american style). I indulged in both