88 hilux 21.4 diesel, interferance motor?

skin1235, Jan 30, 5:42am
someone will know
coming in from the lines today, mum onbard, halfway up a hill in low but not reving, snapped the cambelt
offloaded the quad so could get mum home ( 18km ) and will use the other hilux in the morning to pull the beast home
there didn't appear to be any great clatter or death rattle, it just stopped breathin' , so wonder if it will be as easy as stitch another belt into it and carry on, or will it have done some serious - if the head has to come off the whole engines in the bin and I'll hunt down another engine

intrade, Jan 30, 6:01am
its toast they are all interfearance as far as i know , is it the new engine or old with rocker roller head!
just in 88 they changed tothe cracking head types.

skin1235, Jan 30, 6:08am
no roller in this girl, plain old adjusting tappets

intrade, Jan 30, 6:18am
adjusting tapets is the old rocker type . fit another belt and see how it runs it probably is missing now due to bent valve.

skin1235, Jan 30, 7:24am
got no lumps on the starter , so your estimate of bent valves is sounding like it maybe true

a.woodrow, Jan 30, 7:31am
I snapped a belt in my old 2.4, pulled head off and had 2 or 3 bent valves. replaced valves, new headgasket and cambelt and was away laughing. not a terribly expensive fix

falcon15, Jan 30, 8:24am
being a diesel i would say there wont b much if any clearance between the valves and pistons so valves will b bent

rayzor14, Jan 30, 8:32am
L, 2L and 3L were all interference.

aj254, Jan 30, 8:57am
A mate snapped a cambelt on his hilux, we lined up the crank, cam, injector pump, put on a new belt, its still going.
But for how long is anyone's guess.

skin1235, Jan 31, 4:48am
dragged it home today, will pop the head and see what insides look like - maybe this weekend
guess if it costs me a headgasket and a few valves it can do another run or two - it cost $250 to buy the whole truck 4 years ago ( swapped it for 6 milkings) - had supposedly a blown engine which turned out to be a completely clogged radiator - and got a free radiator from another engineless one, never faltered since so figure it doesn't actually owe me a lot, a mate thought he'd blown the box on the other one so supplied a 5 sp box then discovered it wasn't the box at all - swapped out the 4 sp for that 5 sp a few years ago, getting close the 1/2mil km now, and not many of them were easy ones, either I owe it to fix it, or I owe it to retire it gracefully to the orchard

dent, Jan 31, 4:55am
correct me if im wrong but dont they have the valves vertical so if there bent you should be able to tell by removing the rocker cover and looking at the top end! Id just put a belt on it other wise and see what happins befor pulling the head off.

skin1235, Jan 31, 4:59am
you maybe right too, I'm sure the springs are vertical - but it's been a long time since I had the cover off, I have to get a belt if I'm going to fire it up again so perhaps that will be the go, grab a belt, fit it, crank it with all fingers and toes crossed, (and maybe the eyes too) can't do anymore damage than whats already done eh

intrade, Jan 31, 7:49am
yes you can when you fit the new belt wrong smashing the valves more hareder. you got to lign up all markings correctly they are clear marked.

skin1235, Jan 31, 7:58am
lol, I've been a mechanic longer than you've been alive intrade, but cheers mate, I'll make doubly sure to get all the ducks ( marks ) lined up correctly

andrew241, Jan 31, 8:13am
Just put another belt on it,Like others have said pull the rocker cover off to cheak for a bent valve,if they all look good,get into it.good luck.

skin1235, Feb 2, 8:03am
okay, pulled the top cover, front cover, pulley etc
my bad intrade, this thing does have rollers
the valves are vertical
yes the do touch the pistons - not by very much but enough to stop me turning it with a 10 inch on the crank nut, and a slight turn of the cam lets it carry on so probably less than a millimeter of fouling
the valve gap is pretty regular ( sloppy - it's been at least 100k km since last adjusted - 3 years ago), can feel all four compressions by turning the crank and cam manually
so will drop a belt into it and hope !

next question though - my copy of autodata has crapped itself and I have no diagram re timing marks, nor data re spill timing, anyone able to post a link to usable data, is it as easy as line up all the dots and fit the belt ( checking that it is actually compressing no.1 not no.4 at that time

skin1235, Feb 2, 9:34am
no panic, I reinstalled autodata and printed off what I need

intrade, Feb 2, 9:37am
its all clear marked even if you dont have a diagram all sproket got clear markings

snoopy221, Feb 2, 10:36am
- if the head has to come off the whole engines in the bin and I'll hunt down another engine

Quoteskin1235 (92 )6:42 pm, Mon 30 Jan #1
Yeah Roit-LOL
Back shed bro.
[non turb head-from memory-K]-But think they both essentialy the same from memory
edit think i got a gasket floatin round for it 2.-K

skin1235, Feb 2, 7:50pm
will be in town mid next week and will grab a belt, if it puffs like an overweight asthmatic school girl givin away her virg. I'll be in touch you bet
wouldn't dare clip a turbo to this thing, the chassis would fall apart from the extra torque, she's definitely a N/A motor
yep thanks too intrade, got autodata up and running again, according to that a partially sighted dislexic geriatric like me could do it with both eyes closed - braile instructions would be the go though

skin1235, Feb 3, 4:48am
what can I say, had to go in to town today so picked up a belt, grabbed the printed diagram for timing the damn thing, didn't look right
and couldn't turn the damn thing so timed it ' by seat of pants', with piston at tdc injector on spill ( these are the specs re diagram too ) but follow the diagram for cam timing and you're a 1/4 turn out, and you strike valves/piston, so back to rockin no.4 and find the cam mark has to be horizontal (lined up to top face of head ) not vertical ( lined up to cast mark below head - as the books say it should)

anyway, it runs, sweet as it ever has, no lung problems, if anything it has a little more power, but that could be just relief it runs at all

intrade - yes they are all interference motors, but some are so slight they will turn the cam back one tooth on impact and not damage the engine at all

andrew - cheers for the info- had a few things crossed here hoping it was as you suggested - and it was

snoop - at this stage I won't be needing a head, thanks for the offer, it may come in handy for someone else someday, will be in touch soon

the dog lives again, lol, much relief

a.woodrow, Feb 3, 8:03am
awesome, old toyotas - take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.

intrade, Dec 4, 3:59pm
the engine is the last good one toyota made. my one had a huge hole in the housing from corrosion due to 10 year no coolant inside the engine got it welded when i fitted the 1982 engine new waterpump and belts and it runs ever since never rotted out its headgasket or any other problem. topgear also have failed to kill that engine that you got the 2.4 non turbo rocker roller head type. topgear one was a 1987 2.4 Ute