Hey all. Late notice i know, but Southern Skyline Enthusiasts are having their first 2011 meet and cruise. Meeting up this Saturday 22nd at the Dunedin Ice Stadium carpark (big one on Victoria Rd, St Kilda) from 2pm to 3pm.
RAIN OR SHINE! We've had successful meets in pouring down rain before, so thats not gonna stop us!
At 3pm SHARP we depart on the cruise to Taieri Mouth, then over to Waihola on the (sealed) twisty hill crossing! Will be one or two photo stops along the way.
Any type of Nissan Skyline, Cefiro, Stagea, Laurel etc welcome or even if you just like them. Your car can be highly modified, or just your daily driver with fluffy dice being the only modification on the car! DEFINATELY welcome if you own a V35/V36 Skyline or one of the old classics from the 60's, 70's and 80's (i sound like a radio station here!). Haven't had a late model Skyline yet, or one older than 1973 so that would be awesome to have some along.
At the moment ToySpeed (Toyota car club) are bringing a few Supras along for the drive too, some even coming up from Invercargill! RX7's, Falcons, Porsches, EVO's, Mitsi GTO's and anything else welcome! ANY other sporty cars welcome too (or non sporty if thats what suits your bank balance).
NO tolerance for burnouts/skids or anything - this is an organised event, so the Police will be informed if anyone does anything stupid/dangerous.
Check the link below for more info if you wish, and please spread the word - we want this to be a big meet to start off the year! :)
Weather is a bit so so today, but doesn't matter as we're meeting regardless of what falls from the sky. :)
Ah well, hopefully someone has read this and is coming along.
If so, then see you there. If not, then i won't see you there. :P
Well we got 17-18 or so cars and only one ToySpeeder! Ah well. Bloody awesome day once we left cloudy/rainy Dunedin. :)
Pics soon.