what would be your estimate on the hours needed for a girl --- starting from nil experience --- to learn to drive a manual car , with a proper driving instructor.i realise the -- how long is a piece of string theory -- but just an opinion would help.thanks.
Nov 26, 3:02pm
Depends how long it takes you to pick it up but if you have not mastered it after 30 hours then you have no hope.Some in here will say a couple hours but just look at how well they drive.lol
A good driving instructor will give you an idea how long you need after the first couple of lessons.But again I can hear the nay sayers claim they only want your money.
Nov 26, 3:07pm
Less than an hour to learn to drive a manual, but it may take weeks before you get confident driving it. Just my opinion.
Nov 26, 3:15pm
Half their age into hours is the formula I was given by a driving school, just getting my girl lessons now.
Nov 26, 3:22pm
and you say they should be able to pass thier test after 320 hrs. starting from scratch. ! just i read that in queensland they were talking about a minimum 120 hrs. before they could sit a test. ------- ps.i know !but they areAUSTRALIANS. HA! HA!
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