How many kms is getting risky in a used car!

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aboylikedave, Nov 28, 1:11am
How safe is it to buy a 10 year old Japanese car with 160,000 kms on the clock these days! If it has been regularly serviced and continues to be what are my chances of getting another 80,000 kms out of it!

jasongroves, Nov 28, 1:13am
Pretty darned likely.
No one can predict the future, but in most cases, 160K is nothing.

ninja_man, Nov 28, 1:21am
my mitsubishi lancer was at 240k's when i sold it, it never had any issues with it whatsoever, and i did give it death now and then haha. Regular servicing is important though

franc123, Nov 28, 1:23am
That very much depends on what it is, how and where its been driven and what regularly serviced is defined as.Some are more tolerant of hard use and poor servicing than others.

michael.benn, Nov 28, 1:30am

gammelvind, Nov 28, 1:33am
My old 91 corrolla had 230,000 km on the clock when I sold it, last time I checked on carjam it had over 280,000

kazbanz, Nov 28, 1:48am
At 160k I'd suggest that its very likely something 2001 or neewer is going to be fine as long as its from the land of the rising yen.

tuttyclan, Nov 28, 2:00am
300,000 km on my 1982 Mitsubishi Sigma.
210,500 km on my 1997 Honda Accord

All comes down to keeping the car serviced which most of it I do myself.

richynuts, Nov 28, 2:51am
That would almost be considered stalking!

sebastian55, Nov 28, 3:12am
188,000 on my 2006 Ford and people seem to be running for the hills. *sigh*

tuttyclan, Nov 28, 3:25am
291,000 km on our 2008 Toyota Hiace at work.

crzyhrse, Nov 28, 5:11am
How long is this piece of string!

3962, Nov 28, 11:20am
Sold my '96 Falcon at around 280,000. Bought it back the other day with 414,000 on it, still runs great.

bmwnz, Nov 28, 11:41am
Very enlightening thread. I panic (and sell it) when my car gets anywhere near 100,000km. Seems I don't have to. Thanks.

steelman3, Nov 28, 11:59am
The K measure how much you got left so the fewer the k the more u have left what ever you think a car will do the higher the k the more expensive to maintain
yeah 200-300 isnt many. but i go for cars with the lowest mileage i can get then i got plenty left. for the car u mentioned chances are good 160k say its 1/2 worn out 1/2 left for u if it was 80k only 1/4 worn out 3/4 left for u

steve312, Nov 28, 1:59pm
Anything above 10kms is risky if you own a Toyota Cavalier.

singing1, Nov 28, 3:09pm
Way back people would sell or rebuild the engine at 100 thousand miles, get the oil changed at 10 thousand miles and for some reason we still use the same number in k's.whats that about.And those old motors needed a go over at that mileage but modern cars can run for 500 thousand k and never have the head removed. I have a car in that class so don't tell me its bulls**t. Its the rest of the vehicle that gets a pounding more often then not once the k's get really high.

r15, Nov 28, 3:38pm
i bought my old 94 caldina at 350,000kms.

you can often pick up bargains on tidy higher mileage vehicles- same vehicle, same condition, runs the same, just has a bigger number on the dial (within reason)

foxdonut, Nov 28, 5:58pm
We had an Accord up to 390K's before A pillar rust and lifestyle changes meant it wasn't worth keeping.

Over its life it got a new radiator and. Um, that was about it other than cambelts etc.

Really depends on the car and its lifestyle though, the Accord got a good smooth drive fairly regularly, but for the last 100,000 we didn't exactly follow the recommended service intervals.

Here in Sydney on the other hand, I wouldn't bother buying anything with more than 60k on the dial since the the average car here has such a hard life - crawling in traffic, AC on all the time, rarely serviced and nearly never washed and cleaned because retard city folk don't know anything about cars.

spongefrisk, Nov 28, 6:14pm
My 96 Nissan Sentra has now done 270,000 kms.
Keep it serviced every 6 months or so.
Only had to do left front wheel bearing and recently did the rear brake cylinders.
If anything I am getting bored with it. but can't bring myself to change.

cocabowla, Nov 28, 6:25pm
can depend on servicing history AND the specific vehicles reliabilty record, my brothers 01 vectra "mini clubsport" at about 130 k has cost more in repairs than my well used 91 avenir with 250 k

bryshaw, Nov 28, 9:11pm
Taxis used to get 300,000 miles out of Zephyrs, Valiants and some Falcons.

richard198, Nov 28, 9:38pm
Over 400,000Kms on (courier use) 1989Toyota Corolla hatchback.
Make sure it hasn't been overheated!

gotmilk2, Nov 29, 4:17am
2001 model with that amount of km's should be fine. Provided it hasn't been through hell (high revs, cooling system issues, electrical faults). If you're paying above 5k, probably best to look around.

kazbanz, Nov 29, 10:14am
Actually aboylikedave -please be specific in Year/make/model
Sorry to be a pedantic sod but I can think of a couple of make/models of that vintage I'd be a bit wary of