Gps. Can anyone tell me if any of the brands of gps still tell you your speed even when you have set a destination as my uniden
Jan 22, 11:31pm
can anyone tell me if any of the brands of gps still tell you your speed even when you have set a destination as my uniden trax4310 only shows my speed when there is no destination entered
Jan 22, 11:32pm
My mates tomtom shows speed hes travelling, and then directly underneath has the current speed limit of the area. Does both of these while he has a destination entered.
Jan 22, 11:45pm
do you know what model it is! thanks
Jan 22, 11:49pm
Same here, destination entered or not on my Tomtom. cheers stevo
Jan 22, 11:53pm
My garmins do - go to the trip computer if it's not on the main screen!
Jan 23, 12:05am
No idea sorry. I know its an '09 model. My knowledge is that all recent tomtoms since at least 09 have this ability.
Jan 23, 12:14am
Wow thats a feature worth having, I'm in the market for a new one to replace my 3yo Uniden, do you know if thats common to all Tomtoms or only certain models!
Jan 23, 1:08am
anyone know if its on all tom toms!
Jan 23, 1:35am
I have a uniden in me work van it tells me me speed when destination set and current speed limit how ever the speed limit is often incorrect as i have noticed 100km/h in fifty k areas
Jan 23, 1:45am
my Tomtom gives speed, speed limit, distance to destination, ETA at destination, etc. it is Tomtom one140, Nov 09 Good toy to have. cheers stevo
Jan 24, 9:14am
my $120 navman gives speed in one corner and the speed limit of the road on the other corner when you exceed it. does this both when you are and are not going to a set destination.
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