The cooling fan on my Honda trx 400 wont go

shellbell1, Dec 2, 10:08pm
what could be the reason that the cooling fan is not working , i used my quad bike the other day and when i brought it back in it was smoking a little cause it had got really hot due to the cooling fan not coming on , do they have a thermostat or a fuse !

redslapper, Dec 2, 10:20pm
try in the farming threads, they should know about it in there-------------->

doug207, Dec 2, 10:24pm
Find your temp sender and clean it. Or put a manual switch in.
Uber easy.

skin1235, Dec 2, 11:56pm
try disconnecting both wires, earth one and feed 12v into the other, prove the fan is capable of running should it ever get the correct switching when required
if it doesn't run, check the brushes, or get them checked, if it runs check the temp switch - someone may even know where that is located on a TRX400

jancemord, Apr 28, 9:02am