Ea motor

johdoe, Dec 3, 1:23am
whats a good v8 that will fit strate in my ea

v8_mopar, Dec 3, 3:08am
you know they came out with an 8 right

johdoe, Dec 3, 3:19pm
yea but will a v8 go strate in

v8_mopar, Dec 3, 3:37pm

You will need to change your drive shaft, trans, and crossmember plus if the 8 is injected you will need an ecu to run it. Better off with an 8 from an ed,ef,or au than ea, eb. Stickng with factory parts stops the need to cert.

johdoe, Dec 3, 3:50pm
thanks i gess ill start looking for 1of them

joanie32, Dec 3, 5:20pm
ea was never a factory v8

v8_mopar, Dec 3, 5:43pm
ea II at end of 1991 - prep for the up graded eb and first of the xr's.

owene, Dec 3, 6:13pm
Not necessarily - if you increase the power from original by 20% or more then it needs a re-cert.

See http://www.lvvta.org.nz/documents/suplementary_information/LVVTA_LVV_Cert_Threshold.pdf

johdoe, Dec 6, 12:18am
so what do i put in

franc123, Dec 6, 12:34am
Nothing, get rid of it with the standard 3.9 and go and buy a later model factory one, its not economic unless you could DIY the whole thing and had a complete wrecked factory V8 donor EB to transfer the drivetrain out of.By the time you shag around doing the conversion and putting it through cert (yes you will need one) you will only be left with a butchered EA and empty pockets.

burnzrubba, Dec 6, 1:55am
turbo it lol

johdoe, Dec 8, 12:24am
lol i dont wont a 3.9 i wont a v8 that will go strat in it

gunhand, Dec 8, 12:38am
Find one someone else has already doneor go buy a V8 and save yourself some grief and coin.Ill assume you wont be doing it yourself so it will be expensive. Modern car ( if you consider EA modern) are not like throwing a V8 in an HQ used to be.

ema1, May 16, 7:09pm
Better to go for the EB Falcon V8 ex factory. The EA didn't come out with the V8 from factory. The EB was very similar car but miles better in every way.
Basically Ford rushed the "new" EA onto the market without properly ironing out all the bugs that they were to experience down the track.
The EA series 2 were an improvement but the EB onwards were vastly superior cars.