Ford Probe

carstauranga001, Jan 27, 1:01am
Anyone got any idea where I can locate an airbag computer for one of these. Have searched on here and tried several wreakers.

jasongroves, Jan 27, 1:02am
They use a Mazda drive train, so possible that computers are shared!
If not, then is it possible to have it repaired.
Otherwise maybe try E>B<AY;)

wrong2, Jan 27, 1:02am
wreckers will be a far better bet than the TM MB

carstauranga001, Jan 27, 1:06am
Have serveral wreakers looking for one already, and have tried E Bay too.

jasongroves, Jan 27, 1:08am
Theres a poster on here, shuddupow or something. He was a Probe fanatic and may be able to help.

ema1, Jan 27, 1:10am
Would the airbag comp. be the same in the Ford Taurus !

jasongroves, Jan 27, 1:15am

carkitter, Jan 27, 1:18am
My guess would be no, as a RHD Probe would likely be built by Mazda alongside the other variants of the 626 such as the Eunos 500, Efini and MX6.

andrea_w, Jan 27, 1:27am
Haha great minds think alike

mellisa2000, Jan 27, 3:27am
He is the Probe "Go to" Guy.

jasongroves, Feb 10, 7:13pm
He is definitely efficient with a Probe.
Some would say an expert with a Probe.