I'm after a paint effect

sir-ben, Dec 6, 5:54am
how would i go about getting the effect of my car being silver on the whole, and as you look at spots around where the light reflects there would be a slightly coloured tinge, of a colour like green red blue ect!

gunhand, Dec 6, 6:02am
Where the light reflects! Do you mean leading edges or something! But it would be possable.

scott090, Dec 6, 6:02am
Paint it 3 layer. Paint a silver base, then mix a pearl in with binder (Basicly clear paint) spray that on, and then clear cost. Will have the effect in direct sun and on the edges etc

sir-ben, Dec 6, 6:06am
it's kind of hard to explain without using the right technical words as i don't know them, easy to explain is: if you look at a slightly curved panel, e.g. roof, bonnet, pillar or bumper theres a wee circle of light where the sun reflects off the brightest (i think) the area around that would have a hint of colour, add a subtle touch to silver, i looks good in my head

scott090, Dec 6, 6:08am
Thats the effect a pearl would have

sir-ben, Dec 6, 6:08am
say here for example, it's a motorbike tank and really shows what i mean, just a different colour: http://lh5.ggpht.com/-MDtcBQxct5I/Srjox9KSpvE/AAAAAAAAKOo/-j8arF1ZI0I/1976KawasakiKZ900LTDCandyRedRestorationSetForTheMontanaKidOfSaskatoonCanada.jpg

theres a light "line" if you will, just because of the contour of the item, then the paint just around that would appear just slightly tinted in a colour of my choice

sir-ben, Dec 6, 6:09am
i googled "silver pear" just came up with a bunch of weed, what would that be called! a silver with blue pearl!

scott090, Dec 6, 6:12am
yea or silver with 3 layer blue pearl

gunhand, Dec 6, 6:12am
As above you would have to put silver base and have your colour choice airbrushed on the leading edge then cleared over.But the sun/flash reflects white just like that pic so maybe the effect would be lost.

sir-ben, May 8, 5:10pm
okay i have some painters at work that i might be able to ask about that, a silver with a 3 layer pearl of any colour, really wouldnt want it to be over the top so i'd have to get some samples