Ive just repowered my XF Ute with a 302W it revs ok and idles find but as soon as i put it into gear and drive it starts to shudder like its missing but its not back firing or anything like that, any ideas of possible problems would be a great help thanks.
Jan 28, 9:13pm
Check the spark plug leads and plugs would be the first thing to do.
Do you know how to check leads! With an Ohm meter!
Jan 28, 9:13pm
Jan 28, 9:15pm
No i dont
Jan 28, 9:35pm
Do you have an electronic multimeter!
You can buy one for about ten bucks probably from mitre ten or dick smiths if you don't have one.
The leads should have conductivity through them. They won't light a bulb or anything because they have some resistance to them but they should let some power through. If they get pulled too hard the cord inside them breaks and then they don't conduct any electricity and your car will missfire. If you get a test meter and set it to ohms, and then put one of it's leads to each end of a spark plug lead, right up inside the rubber boot so it touches the steel clips at each end, you should get a reading/number. If the reading doesn't change when you connect and disconnect the leads, then the lead is crook. You need to check each lead individualy and with it right off the car. Do one at a time and you won't muddle them up.
Are you really sure that it idles smoothly! And if you give it a gentle rev stationary it is stil smooth!
Jan 28, 9:43pm
is it manual or auto as if its manual you may have oil on the clutch plate, this can cause a shudder
Jan 28, 9:46pm
Thanks i got all that will give that a go.As for the idle its ok will try all that and get back to you.
Jan 28, 9:47pm
Auto cheers any way mate.
Jan 28, 9:49pm
Are the correct leads on the correct plugs.
Jan 28, 9:51pm
Yeah mate.
Jan 28, 10:00pm
does the timing move after you have been for a drive ! if so check to make sure dissy is tight
Jan 28, 10:09pm
That seems to be fine cheers.
Jan 28, 10:38pm
coil lead maybe! Or coil breaking down under load. Does the coil heat up! checked for cracks around the cap!checked the rotor and contacts for corrosion and condition! Just a few things to ponder.
Jan 28, 10:44pm
Yup, what Ford says. check the centre lead too with the gauge.
Could be a spark getting lost as he suggests. shorting across the top or underside of dissy cap, which generaly leaves a track you can see with your eye. Could be shorting down the sides of the coil tower, again look for a track. Could be shorting through the rotor. Easy check for that is to hold the centre lead near the rotor(with the rotor still on it's shaft), while you open the points and look for a spark. If the rotor is perfect you should get no spark at all. sometimes there can be a really skinny pale spark and the rotor is still ok.
Jan 28, 10:44pm
when i use to do engine swaps i use to replace with new items; spark plugs,leads,dissy cap, rotor, coil, condenser,points. may cost $100-$150 but saves a lot of second guessing when checking over the motor. If im not sure on the condition of the carb ill also rekit this too and check for vacum leaks
Jan 28, 10:47pm
Will do cheers mate.
Jan 28, 10:49pm
Cheers will try all that as well.
Jan 28, 10:50pm
If I cant find the problem that would have to be the next step cheers Mate.
Jan 29, 3:40pm
Out of left field maybe but. I once replaced the rear trans mount on my late mums american ford among a lot of other work, after all finished car had a huge vibration that felt like a missfire after a lot of head scratching it was found the new mount was too stiff and was causing it. Does it do it up on a hoist! if so remove the rear mount and try again Hope this helps
Jan 29, 4:00pm
funny this came up today as last night I was thinking have you made sure that all the engine and trans mounts have bolts and been done up tight! This happen to me when I transplanted a 302W into my old 63 farliane compact,forgot to tighten the transmisson bolts they both fell out and made the car shudder when driving but was fine while parked up driveway, Idling.
Feb 17, 11:13am
Check the dizzy clamp brother had problem with his so call clever mate fixed his car (best mate lol) clamp up side down, couldn't wait for little brother to come to town to fix it
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