Nice driving for a change

socram, Feb 20, 12:03pm
Left HD after the Amon Festival (and a welcome shower!) about 6:30pm Sunday. Drags was still busy but a great run to north of the bridge.Busy - very busy, but the traffic flowed brilliantly at about 102kph, which means those towing trailers were speeding, and only one motorist in the right lane not keeping up with the traffic and forcing people to 'undertake' - a woman in a yellow Mini doing 80kph just before Takanini.

Several camera cars, marked cars and undercover cars around, but what it proved was that:

a) people don't speed when the traffic flows well.
b) because the traffic was flowing so well, then on a motorway at least, the towing limit needs lifting to 100kph.
c) slow people cause traffic jams.