GPS. Not sure if this is the right threadwe have a navmanabout 3 years old used only about half a dozen times by us and a couple

jag5, Jan 31, 12:33am
Not sure if this is the right thread.we have a Navman.about 3 years old, used only about half a dozen times, by us and a couple of friends.

It seems to have frozen.we turn it on and that is it.opening screen only.Have tired the reset button.have had it to a store that sells them but doesn't specialise.they don't know.

How can we unfreeze it or reset it!Is there an easy way.or is it dead!

jono2912, Jan 31, 12:36am
Run the battery dead flat.

jag5, Jan 31, 12:37am
It has been flat. We had to recharge it to take it into the shop.Any further tips!Please

jono2912, Jan 31, 12:38am
Without pulling it apart, there's not much else I'm afraid.

johnf_456, Jan 31, 12:40am
As above

andrea_w, Jan 31, 12:42am
Based on ^^ their opinion.
Hit it with a hammer.
If that fails, get a bigger hammer!

jono2912, Jan 31, 12:43am
Hey hey, don't put it all on me! haha

jag5, Jan 31, 1:07am
Thanks a bunch guys LOL.I thought there might be some techno whizzes in here to help

So in your well informed opinions - it is dead.Get a new one huh.Wouldn't mind except it has hardly been used.Bummer.thanks anyway.

the_chooky, Feb 23, 11:01am
Yer like they said,take the battery out,recharge,turn on and leave it on.
These things are meant to be used.