You are your car

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owene, Dec 8, 7:21pm
Ask Jermy Clickson - he knows all about these issues.

mopsy3, Dec 8, 7:26pm
Op obviously hasn't driven around South Auckland and seen all of the young wannabe gangsters in their old mercs and beemers.

horsygirl, Dec 8, 8:02pm
old jap imports are for broken arsed Labour voters.

richardmayes, Dec 8, 8:35pm
I'm a winner in my own mind.

shuddupowh, Dec 8, 8:42pm
The way I look at it, you arent the car make you are the cars style. So dirty and rough, clean and tidy, oldskool, newskool, showcar, high performance, hotrod, etc etc. Your car can describe your personality but if you have a few and they all different then you simply have a few tastes.

shuddupowh, Dec 8, 8:43pm
An example, my brother is a rough c-nt and he has ALWAYS owned rough and shit cars.only so he doesnt have to look after it (onces its dead or costing to much to repair or he cant repair it himself he gets rid of it and gets another shitter). He vows to never buy new.

saki, Dec 8, 9:44pm

trogedon, Dec 8, 9:48pm
Agreed. There is some truth to it - but not much.

hyphen, Dec 8, 10:43pm
ok, so there is truth in how you 'keep your car'. And I am comparing it with personal cleanliness here, also the owners of older beaten up people movers just reek of "I don't give a shi*t"

iman007, Dec 8, 11:19pm
euro cars, imho are driven by very very odd people, when i see a peugeot or renault or similar i try and get round em pretty darn quick, normally old farts!
Me, im a ford/toyotaman, got both

mugenb20b, Dec 8, 11:25pm
We have an old people mover and an older ute. They are always kept clean and tidy inside, as I can't stand smelly cars littered with rubbish. I give them a wash when they get dirty, which would be every month or so. That's just me though, and I don't think anything less of people who have dirtier cars (and I see plenty of them), and I don't think more highly of people who have cleaner cars. Some people just lack time and some are just plain lazy. As for "you are your car".that's a load of nonsense. A Commodore sedan can't carry 6 people, nor it can carry hay bales (technically speaking). Also, I don't often get to choose what car I buy, I sometimes take a gamble and buy cars off our clients that needs major repairs as they can't afford to fix them. So it could be a small car, a van, big station wagon etc.

hyphen, Dec 8, 11:31pm
^^so, do you swap partners often, or just fantasise!

mugenb20b, Dec 8, 11:34pm

hyphen, Dec 8, 11:35pm
good man

mugenb20b, Dec 8, 11:36pm
Happily married actually.

grangies, Dec 9, 1:00am

We have an 1989 L300 Van, 2001 Corolla, 1996 Accord, 1992 Bighorn, and a 1982 Mercedes 380.

The only one we love and care for is the Merc.

So maybe we're Nazis'.

zephyrheaven, Dec 9, 1:15am
Glad I own 10 cars then. At least I can fit all of the stereotypes

clark20, Dec 9, 2:30am
yep, thats me to a T, got a problem with that!

horsepower7, Dec 9, 3:14am
well im happy with my choice of car then. clean, tidy, looks mint, not thrashed, reliable and works hard to get good results lol. ahhh thanks nissan! ;-p ahahahaha ;-p

trogedon, Dec 9, 3:53am
Dirty cars; when I was single my cars were always clean (& I??

budgel, Dec 9, 2:46pm
I drive a 1999 BMW 740iI am not a wannabe, just an older guy (62) that likes beemers and cant afford a newer one, and got this one at a good price.
I dont give a stuff what anybody else thinks about it!

perry111, Dec 9, 3:20pm
its not what you drive its how it looks and how u drive it, iv ownd 2 fords now i have a xj jeep and mitsi vr4 and im only 19

phalanax, Dec 9, 4:33pm
99 Cadillac .happily married.smoke a pack a day.bourbournite.semi retired 47yrs olde.that could all change in the blink of an