Car bought through dealership is a Lemon.want my

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boley, Dec 9, 7:26pm
We bought through a reputable dealer a late model car, in September.It has been off the road more than we have been able to drive it due to mechanical problems.I am now too nervous to drive the car and want to give it back and get my money back and start again.;What are my rights to do this.
The car we bought was NZ new, only 3 years old, only 1 owner and I feel the dealership knew the faults were there,>I took it into another dealership today to trade on another car as I really don't trust the car anymore and they offered me $20000 less than I paid for it 2 months ago.

carstauranga001, Dec 9, 7:29pm
$20,000 less! What is it! How much was it! You certainly can reject the car as not fit for purpose. Deliver a written letter of rejection to the Dealer Principle/Owner ASAP.

boley, Dec 9, 7:30pm
Mercedes 220 cDi

1millie, Dec 9, 7:31pm
Have you talked to the dealer you bought it from about this!
Or the LTSA!

elect70, Dec 9, 7:40pm
Bit late nowthatthey have done the repairs . Unless there is a new problem he isnt obliged to refund you just because you dont feel secureabout it .His obligation is to repairor replace,he repaired . Imagine if eveyone took their car back because they didnt "feel " secure with it

richynuts, Dec 9, 7:41pm
First rule don't ever buy anything european, diesel or tiptronic,then you will have a far better chance if buying something reliable

thejazzpianoma, Dec 9, 8:02pm
Second Rule
Go and buy a copy of the Dog and Lemon guide and believe everything it says.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 9, 8:04pm
What specifically went wrong with the car!

matthew111, Dec 9, 8:07pm
contact the LMVD association

mugenb20b, Dec 9, 8:14pm
Tiptronic = automatic with ability to choose your own gears as you please, so they are no different mechanically.
Diesel, nothing wrong with them, as long as you keep up the maintenance.
European! Depends on the year, make, model and price. Some models "could" be avoided. The same applies to Asian, Austrailian, and American cars.

kazbanz, Dec 9, 8:36pm
Boley-In a nutshell unfortunatelyhaving a "bad feeling" about a car isn't grounds to reject a car.
What are the mechanical issues EXACTLY !
From MY knowledge of later model high tech diesels regardless of make there are issues with the utter rubbish diesel we have here. If the issues are related to that then I'd talk to the gubbiment.

crzyhrse, Dec 9, 9:02pm
I see you're keeping your perfect record of never posting anything useful. Well done.

crzyhrse, Dec 9, 9:03pm
Boley. you're going to have to be a bit more specific about the problems the vehicle has had.

boley, Dec 9, 9:37pm
Gear box broke. After 1 week of owning it, I could not put it into gear!Broke and then repaired (not replaced).Then it was not changing through the gears. About 2 weeks later, it was boarking, missing as it drove along, and not changing down at intersections, corners so it stalled!They took it back in and fixed it. So you see that is why I am nervous of driving it, because I'm afraid it will breakdown again and the next time I'll be in a scary situation of having a motor accident.

NZTools, Dec 9, 9:44pm
It sounds like it had one transmission fault, which took them a couple of goesd to get right. that does not warrant getting your money back sorry.

Incedentaly, you dont replace a whole transmission if one componet of it needs replaced.

kazbanz, Dec 9, 9:54pm
Sorry boley I can't see a reason to return the car. You could raise a case in the MVDT but given that the car yard repaired the car and its now running perfectly I can't see grounds and your case would be thrown out
For the record generally to 'repair" what I thing went wrong with your carwould actually require replacement of the faulty part/parts. .

franc123, Dec 9, 9:55pm
And is it now fixed!If the problem was positively identified this time and repaired then the issue is!There is no cause for concern or nervousness about it if it has been sorted.

1millie, Dec 9, 10:14pm
WOW!Look at your BIG star!
Im impressed lol

thejazzpianoma, Dec 9, 10:24pm
It should be a lovely car and no reason to expect further problems at all, stop worrying and get out and enjoy it.

BTW, if you are unlucky and do get further problems I would be suspicious of the workshop not the car. Should that happen come back and post which workshop it has been too and all the details you have of the fault and what has been done to rectify (but don't jump to conclusions). This is something that should really have been looked at by a Mercedes specialist, most of which are good but there are a few that are not so good.

boley, Dec 9, 11:04pm
Now I really feel depressed. I made a mistake in buying this car. Yes I know buyer beware and all that, but I have a right if I make a mistake and/or change my mind to trade my car on another.I don't think I made a $20k mistake but that is what they are deducting off me if I trade it on another car!I'm not a mechanic, I've trusted the experts and been hit with a dude. Maybe it is all going to run for another 10 years just perfectly but I DON"T HAVE ANY FAITH IN IT.Well, Merry Christmas.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 9, 11:16pm
I really think you are making a mountain out of a molehill (as do others) like the other poster said, no matter what you buy you can have the odd spot of trouble. There is ZERO reason to lose faith in the vehicle.

If it makes you feel any better the engine used in your car is also used in Mercedes commercial vans and we see those on here regularly with over a million km's on the clock. Mercedes make some of the very best diesel cars in the world.

Even if the dealer did give you your money back you could likely go through the same thing with your next car regardless of brand. At least now you know what you have and the problem has been dealt with.

They are a lovely car, get out and enjoy it!

kazbanz, Dec 9, 11:33pm
Ifthe car has depreciated 20k in a couple of months then you need to concider why.
Of course you don't ever get back what you pay for a car. You would expect a $3000 drop regardless.
One possibility is that the second dealer didn't want your car so would't pay top dollar for it. Possibly you diddn't do your research into what they are selling for around town before you bought it.--ie paidthousands more than elsewhere
Another possibility is that a new model has come out instantly devalueing the older model orthere have been a flood of UK,singapore,jap imports dragging the value down

thejazzpianoma, Dec 9, 11:35pm
Its more than likely the vehicle has not depreciated at all in the real world (as in that model, age, km's). Its just the second dealer was offering a pittance as a trade because they didn't want to trade an expensive late model car on another one of similar value.

franc123, Dec 10, 12:00am
Unless the dealer stipulated you can change it for another car if you feel you have chosen wrongly after a month (or whatever), and some dealers do, then you DON"T have the right to do so, a deal is a deal.If the transmission issue has been dealt with properly in a timely fashion and they have been co-operative about it then I don't see what your problem is, and sometimes these issues can be a little time consuming to get to the bottom of especially if they are intermittent and not known faults.Forget the imaginary $20K depreciation, thats rubbish, that figure is unrealistic in that time frame for the reasons already mentioned above.Really you are best to go back to the dealer and discuss what sort of a deal they might do you, in a friendly fashion.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:10am
+1 franc123,
I almost wonder poster 1 if you have had someone in your ear spouting some rubbish about it being a mistake buying a European car. Or whether you think you have made the wrong decision for an entirely different reason. i.e you spent more than you wanted and have a case of buyers remorse.

My suggestion is to plan yourself a nice weekend away in the vehicle, you don't have to go a huge distance if you are weary of it. But give yourself a chance to enjoy it and take some time out from the situation. Its one of those cases where its easy to get caught up in the drama but for those of us removed from the situation it looks a lot more rosy. If you can give yourself the same perspective I think you will be a lot happier.