THAT would be on a case by case basis ONLY & specific to THAT car model.
Feb 2, 5:54am
you are wrong. my mates ferrari has had many tickets for not having a official front plate. he had a custom plate and still the police gave himtickets. we contacted ltsa and they said the police are right.we now have a normal front platethat sticker plate on the ferrari you referred to is illegal.
Feb 2, 6:04am
Illegal and wrong have become 2 different things, if it is clearly placed and an attempt has been made to make it of contrasting colours easily distinguishable both at day and night there should be no issue.
Picking on people because technically it's wrong isn't the cops job. If I'm doing skids in the town centre it is then their job. If I'm going about my life bothering no one he can F off. NZ plates are off sized and don't fit on half the bumpers of imports without trimming. People need to push back a little bit when they try to force silly issues.
Mar 4, 12:12am
Agree, but unfortunately, the law doesn't see it that way. As I posted earlier, mine are a clear readable EU acceptable typeface and are still reflective, but I still got the warning letter.
As biker_69 has stated on several occasions, if you do get done, then take it to court and fight for common sense.IN my case, with the scruffy original stone chipped NZ issue plate and also the offending plate that is still in pristine condition after 8 years on the car.
I defy anyone to say that the NZ issue is more readable by a cop or speed camera than the EU plate. The fact that they still have speed cameras and also a choice of typefaces in the EU, nullifies the speed camera argument.
For those with an MX5, E Type Jag, Ford GT 40, Ferrari or whatever, you can legallyposition the plate UNDER the nose as long as it can be read from the road at 25(!) metres(I stand corrected on the distance) but it might not be so easily read by a speed camera on a pole 2.5 metres from the ground.
It is a piece of petty legislation but my police sergeant neighbour tells me that it is more a case of people fitting non standard plates to stolen cars than one of visibility.The fact that my plates and rego sticker all match and it is a personalised plate seems irrelevant and I fully expect to get pinged one day.
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