Things to know about buying a scooter second hand!
Feb 1, 11:36pm
Hey everyone! Am thinking of buying a scooter second hand and was just wondering if anyone had some helpful hints about things to look out for/good features (e.g. mileage, tank etc). Know nothing about what is good/bad so any help would be greatly appreciated :).
Also, what is the difference between a scooter and a moped! (told you i was clueless ha).
Thanks :)
Feb 1, 11:52pm
Check to see if it's registered as a scooter or a motorbike. Both can have the same size motor, 50 cc, but one registration is about $175 for a year and the other is nearly $380. Also, one needs a WOF while the other doesn't. You will need to check with the L.T.S.A
Feb 1, 11:56pm
thank you! Guessing the motorbike registration/WOF is the more expensive of the two!
Feb 2, 12:04am
Go for a two stroke, not a four stroke. Try and get one that has had it's speed restrictions removed. Restrictions would make sense if people drove 50 in a 50 zone but since they don't riding at a speed much slower than the surrounding traffic turns you into a mobile judder bar.
Feb 2, 1:04pm
reg cost for a 50cc scooter are stupid! $444 a year! If you really want a scooter, get a bigger one than a 50cc, they are unable to keep up with traffic flow so to me not as safe as they can get in the way of traffic. A sub 250cc scooter would only cost $33 more a year in reg, but of course you will need at least a learners m/cycle licence
Feb 2, 2:03pm
dont get anything less than 100cc even for town riding been there done that. i now have a 150cc of to ch ch on it in march and yes it will cruise at 100 kmh
Feb 2, 6:20pm
Why don't Chinese allegedly do quality! Is it all about the lowest price = lowest quality! Does anything of quality come from our Chinese friends! Have yet to see a Chinese motor on the road.
Feb 2, 6:28pm
Yep heaps of stuff, including all most of your home electronics.The difference is generally the quality stuff is designed elsewhere and just manufactured in China (with the designer keeping a very close eye on quality control)
Feb 2, 9:13pm
You don't give a reason for dismissing 4 strokes, I would have suggested 4 stroke anyday over a 2 stroke - quieter, more economical, longer lasting. The best scooter I ever owned in my younger days was a Honda C50 stepthru with a 50cc 4 stroke motor, I did over 10,000 troublefree kms on that, top speed was 70km, although I did get up to 80km going down the Ak harbour bridge and it was still going strong when I sold it. As mentioned previously in your thread don't buy Chinese, their quality is not up there with the Japanese brands and you will have a short, troublesome ownership.
Feb 3, 12:24am
Make sure its a two stroke '60s Vespa. Anything else is a wannabe.
Feb 3, 12:29am
Some makita stuff made in china
Feb 3, 12:36am
Chinese can make the same if not better than anyone they have the technology for sure just that us the consumer want CHEAP hence the quality!
Feb 3, 2:15am
Yep the Chinese will build whatever quality you want - remember they have got a space program and have even done a space walk.
99% of the top brand bicycles out there are made in either Taiwan or China, and the quality is generally superb, using the latest alloy or carbon fibre technology.
Its only a matter of time before they start stamping out high quality motorbikes, followed by cars.
Feb 3, 3:04am
Yeah, but the difference is that these are quality overseas brands that have shifted production to China, they design their own stuff and insist on a particular level of quality from the Chinese. Chinese companies that make their own bicycles churn out poorly designed and cheaply made rubbish. If you disagree please give me the name of Chinese owned quality brand, I would love to hear of one.
Feb 3, 3:28am
Simply the higher power output. Quicker off the line so you don't get bunched up in traffic, and better for holding speed on hills.
Feb 3, 3:31am
I used to ride Trek MTB's when they were made in Wisconsin. Taiwan now. Would rather pay the extra for a Canadian made Rocky Mountain.
Mar 6, 11:17am
Or cheap labour !
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