Oil Change for 50cc scooter

brendon61, Jan 8, 9:37pm
Just wondering if i need to an oil change on my 4 stoke scooter every 1000 kms as i did an oil change when it reach 3000kms and now its just over 4000 kms or will the oil last until my next service which is 5000kms Any ideal wil be good thanks!

dirtrider200, Jan 8, 9:47pm
every 6 months or around 3000ks what ever comes first

brendon61, Jan 8, 9:51pm
im just over 4000 ks and did at oil change at 3000ks

dirtrider200, Jan 8, 9:56pm
how long ago did you change it

cuda.340, Jan 8, 10:04pm
wow you change oil a lot. my diesel gets fresh stuff every 10,000k's which is every 10-12 weeks.

dirtrider200, Jan 8, 10:10pm
on my road bikes i change every 5000ks or 6 months and my scooters are usually around 2-3000ks or 6 months

a.woodrow, Aug 27, 3:16am
Wow you have a diesel powered scooter!!