Any body know where to find on the net, that I could follow or print out!Thanks
Dec 14, 12:01am
What do you need to know! And what year Mistral!
Dec 14, 12:10am
The stop lights don't work and the fuse keeps blowing everytime my husband replaces it.It is a 1994.
Dec 14, 12:12am
Have the bulbs been replaced recently!
Dec 14, 12:13am
No.My husband just realised they weren't working because he was checking it out for a WOF.
Dec 14, 12:16am
Has any work been carried out on the vehicle recently! New stereo, towbar, mechanical, anything at all!
Dec 14, 12:18am
lol no I don't think so but he did give it a clean and he hoovered the inside so could he have knocked something!
Dec 14, 12:24am
Wouldn't think he could knock anything but may of.
Have a look around the wiring and bulb connectors (on both sides, the bumper if it has them there) check the high stop light, check any towbar wiring underneath the vehicle (any damage to this would be pretty obvious, so would only take a quick glance, if the towbar wiring seems loose, check inside the connector plug) -- check for any bare wires, any wires touching the body of the vehicle.
More stuff to check, but that will get you started.
Dec 14, 12:27am
I just read out to him what you wrote and he said he has done all that.Thank you for all your help it is good - keep it coming.
Dec 14, 12:27am
Also, check the wiring that goes between the rear door and the vehicle, it can break and earth. (rubber boot)
Dec 14, 12:32am
He says "oh ye that might be a point, good idea."
Dec 14, 12:34am
Haha, let me know what he finds.
Dec 14, 12:37am
Okay.thank you so much.
Dec 14, 11:00pm
Did he find anything, or still looking!
Dec 18, 11:18pm
Hi jono - it's all sorted, you were onto it.Thank you sooo much. Have a great Christmas and New Year. :-)
Jun 24, 10:53pm
Not a problem, glad I could help! :)
Merry Christmas
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