I have a Daihatsu Charade 1988 and just put a secondhand stereo unit in and now having intermitant electrical trouble. I re-call this can happen when fitting stereo's as it was on a previous discussion thread, but can't remember what the problem was.
Nov 18, 4:28am
Most likely wired the unit up wrong. Probably confused an accessory wire with an illumination wire, which would cause fuses to blow, lights not to work etc.
Nov 18, 4:29am
the biggest problem is getting the smoke back in the wires when leaks out\
Nov 18, 4:30am
Define/explain further if possible.
Nov 18, 4:31am
As above. need a lot more information about the specifics of this "trouble"
Nov 18, 6:22am
Thanks for the interest, once the car is warm and has run for a while the ignition is dead (no red lights) and the car won't turn over, I thought it may be related to the recent stereo install but have disconnected the unit and it still happens. Leave the car for 10 mins or so and the ignition lights are back on and it starts again. I have checked all fuses etc they seem Ok !
Nov 18, 6:24am
Loose fusible link/battery terminals/earth! Faulty coil! Distributor problems! I'm just throwing out ideas by the way.;)
Nov 18, 7:22am
Dead as in it won't crank after turning it off ( meaning it runs ok and when you switch it off it won't restart!). If so check the battery terminals pull them off clean them up on the lead side and actual battery terminal. Refit and and tighten up properly
Mar 17, 12:53am
the biggest problem is getting the smoke back in the wires when it leaks out
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