Warning light on BMW

smellykelly, Feb 4, 12:09am
.soo had a service today - and now there is a warning light on the dash they i havent seen before - its an auto and next to the 'D' (for drive) it looks like a sun with a ! in it.its a BMW 2002 316ti.have been trying to google but couldnt find it.can anyone help!

reaperssoul, Feb 4, 1:05am
your cars going to blow up

ginga4lyfe, Feb 4, 1:25am
Let your hand brake off and see what happens!

smellykelly, Feb 4, 1:37am
its not the handbreak - i may be female - but not thick!
.the handbreak ones a red triangle.

andy61, Feb 4, 1:45am
Whats a handbreak!

jono2912, Feb 4, 1:55am
Give her a break, she's female.

mileyfan73, Feb 4, 2:05am
It relates to the AGS system which conrols the transmission.Generally means there is an 'under-voltage' problem in the throttle body that controls the upshifts and it goes into 'failsafe' mode which illuminates the warning light.Sometimes disconnecting the batterey for awhile can reset it or it may mean the transmission needs expert attention!

smellykelly, Feb 4, 2:18am
geez - sorry spelling police

footplate1, Mar 11, 6:40am
Please assure me your car wasn't serviced by Team McMillan!