What you pay for a 1989 skyline

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iron-maiden, Feb 5, 12:37am
gts r32 all stanted auto done 154 kms wof and rego

attitudedesignz, Feb 5, 1:01am

franc123, Feb 5, 1:18am
$3K if its in A1 condition, and lock it away in a rice proof bowl!

whqqsh, Feb 5, 1:23am
I wouldnt at all, if you paid me to take it away youd have to drop it off so I didnt have to touch it

nick_o_teen, Feb 5, 1:28am
i sold mine for 4grand. r32 non turbo manual with mags and sounds. about 200,00ks, was mint cond tho

twink19, Feb 5, 1:32am
I thoght at least $2

sabbath-black, Feb 5, 1:38am
really! you need to hit people up on spelling on an auction message board!.are you perfect!

iron-maiden, Feb 5, 1:57am
sorry im dislexic not realy a big deal i live with all the losers who make fun

iron-maiden, Feb 5, 2:00am
it in pretty good con,for its age just needs a few touch ups in paint work .

iron-maiden, Feb 5, 2:09am
seems it was just a spelling mistake aye,yet you make fun at me when you had to edit yours , get a life there is far better things in life than making fun of someone you do not know,as i say karma is a bi$%*

jsbike, Feb 5, 4:35am

mellisa2000, Feb 5, 5:41am

richms, Feb 6, 11:21am
$2k - WTF! 1200 tops - old, heavy, thirsty, underpowered, shithoust autobox.

sw20, Feb 6, 5:30pm
Yes they are. Because they can do skids.

jsbike, Feb 6, 5:37pm
What you have to pay for one, and what they are worth are 2 seperate things. Demand for them drives the price, as with anything.

phillip.weston, Feb 6, 5:38pm
not the RB20E GTS version! They went down on power from the R32 GTS which was at least twin cam 24 valve. I would try $3000-4000 on the R33 Coupe.

jarrod261, Feb 6, 6:54pm
yep,my thoughts aswel.
Car is 22 years old,aint worth much.

phillip.weston, Feb 6, 8:52pm
So by your reasoning a 1989 Porsche 911 or a 1989 BMW M3 wouldn't be worth much either!

desmodave, Feb 6, 8:53pm
Po bodys nerfect
$1 reserve it if you have the balls.That way you will truely know what its worth.

mustang-man, Feb 7, 5:58am
Depending on condition maybe $2,000 or so for the R32 GTS!

1ollie, Feb 7, 6:59am
Your name = what you are in some way!
I dont know what a twink is but I know its some sort of faggot that has lots to do with being a gay!

1ollie, Feb 7, 7:00am
Dont take it to heart he is less than nothing when it comes down to it!

1ollie, Feb 7, 7:01am
No one said anything about a Commodore or Falcon did they!

1ollie, Feb 7, 7:02am
Good luck with your dumb arse theory! you should work for a car company!

1ollie, Feb 7, 7:04am
You say $1 reserve = its price! yet logic, common sence and market value make you look like a idiot! add that up!