Green stickered car!

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a.woodrow, Dec 18, 4:31pm
I've just bought a green stickered car, I've got the sticker off but it's left a residue on the screen - what's best to get this off!

intrade, Dec 18, 4:36pm
i hope you did not remove the sticker your self!

a.woodrow, Dec 18, 4:38pm
Yeah mate, they put it right in front of the driver on the screen, not very safe to drive it like that and would draw unwanted attention!

intrade, Dec 18, 4:41pm
did you read what it said on the sticker . you are not allowed to remove the sticker or else! also you can only get a wof at vtnz etc and its 100$ for that wof last time i had one done. conditions of driving are on a paper that came with the sticker and as to why it was green stickered. Green is minor faults like smashed light or something.

a.woodrow, Dec 18, 4:44pm
nah didn't read it cos it was half worn off anyway from sitting outside. Should be ok cos it was green stickered from the last owner and I've just bought it. still has a wof so all good!

intrade, Dec 18, 4:44pm
to get resedue off you can use methelated spirit should work ok, but its probably costing you even more that you removed the sticker i just remember the warning not to remove it when i had to fix a clients car once.

a.woodrow, Dec 18, 4:44pm
don't have a bit of paper about the green sticker. should I ask old owner!

intrade, Dec 18, 4:45pm
no it be in the system as green stickerd i would say. check it with carjam i wonder what comes up also! you need to rego to get 3 free ones per month

intrade, Dec 18, 4:52pm
I would alsk old owner yes and when the cops stop you pretend you did not
know it was stickerd but check for things like lowerd lights working etc it be something like that for a green one (pink sticke)r is when it is unsave to drive if i remember right.

a.woodrow, Dec 18, 4:55pm
Well the green sticker hasn't got anything to do with me! and its still got a wof so I'm just going to drive till next wof is due. Guy should have told me about the green sticker.

intrade, Dec 18, 4:59pm
did you check what carjam shows!

franko171, Dec 18, 5:00pm
it was put there for a reason find out why or next be a red one

esprit, Dec 18, 5:02pm
Change of ownership does not annul a green sticker. First cop or parking warden that runs your licence plate will see the flag, pull you over and write the car off the road.

dutchlass, Dec 18, 5:03pm
If you get pulled loose the car, regardless of when you brought it or who owned it last!
it doesnt matter whos owned it when it was stickered. if you drive a car you take responsibilty for the vehicle. the sticker is the paper work. removing it will incur further fines. to be green stickered it must be to loud or to low.
only way to remove a green sticker is to go to vtnz and get a check done.

jkm, Dec 18, 5:07pm
Gotta be a wind up surely!!

smac, Dec 18, 5:08pm
Yeah cause, I dunno, the big green sticker didn't give it away!

steve312, Dec 18, 5:10pm
I was thinking exactly the same thing.No-one is that dumb.

Deserves everything he gets if it is for real.

mike107, Dec 18, 5:10pm
wind wind!

intrade, Dec 18, 5:12pm
well i did not know about green stickers untill a client came with one to my shop thats how idid learn about em and i dont consider my self dumb, the guy said it was almost gone so unreadable.

corky, Dec 18, 5:18pm
Just give it a good groom.

kazbanz, Dec 18, 5:55pm
Ok --If this IS a wind up then good onya.
If its NOT a wind up I have some VERY bad news for you.
The WOF sticker on the car is utterly worthless once a green sticker has been put on the car. If pulled over or if a parking warden has a decent link then a ticket will be issued for now wof. If its the cops there will be a NEW green sticker issued. The ONLYway the car can be driven legally is to go to a VTNZ testing station and have a Green sticker wof done which costs a lot more than a normal WOF

shaun16, Dec 18, 6:06pm
yep defiintely a wind up after that link

hazelthecat, Dec 18, 6:09pm
Hey Woodrow - what the hell are you talking about.I have never dealt with you so why are you slandering me!

Readers - ignore this dork.I have reported this to TM.

smac, Dec 18, 6:09pm
This thread is like a moron magnet.

rug_nz, Dec 18, 6:23pm
Well done A.W, to easy isn't it haha.