I'd like to see you get a speeding ticket on one of them that was stock!
Dec 27, 5:48am
i've had one up to 70 kph on a slight down hill, so still speeding-ticketable
Dec 27, 11:37am
Get a VW Golf. It will spend most of the time in for repair, statistically lessening your chance of getting a ticket.
Dec 27, 1:28pm
why would i do that when i already have two cars that will blow it away
Dec 27, 1:40pm
LOL, I was going to say the same, except with Jaguar replacing VW Golf.
Dec 27, 5:38pm
Not only would they not get a ticket; they wouldn't get up the next hill!
Dec 27, 5:44pm
The diesel Nissan Serena was apparently the slowest accelerating car sold in the UK for many years (and they have a lot of painfully slow cars over there).
Perhaps look for one of them!
Dec 27, 5:53pm
Glue a piece of 4 x 2 under the accellerator pedal, then you will only have half throttle and you car will be really slow
Dec 27, 5:57pm
It still has to be able to do 110 because i live 40 kms from inversh1thole
Dec 27, 5:58pm
pull the timing to full retard problem solved no chance of speeding ticket
Dec 27, 5:59pm
its easy--rig up a knife under your seat that is pushed up into your backside ever time yyou punch the throttle hard. I bet you wont speed more than once.
Dec 27, 6:08pm
Lol when i payd it today the lady at the bank was like i hope you lernt your lesson
Dec 27, 6:28pm
You NEVER go full retard. Slacken your throttle cable a little at the engine side if you're gonna be mucking around with anything.
Dec 27, 6:34pm
not recomended for hilly areas.
Dec 27, 7:03pm
Tie a block of 4x2 UNDER your accelerator pedal.
Dec 27, 7:33pm
Takea spark lead off that will slow t downbut keep off SH1 please .
Dec 27, 8:05pm
This thread hit full retard a long, long time ago.
Dec 27, 8:33pm
Dec 27, 8:56pm
the choice of the car is not the prob, ITS THE NUT BEHIND THE WHEEL, THAT IS!
Dec 27, 9:04pm
Just stay in 2nd gear.
Dec 27, 9:16pm
Its auto btw
Dec 27, 9:28pm
just lock it inthe 2 mode.
Dec 27, 9:30pm
or put it on smaller tyres.lawn mower wheels should gear it down enough.
Dec 27, 9:39pm
This has got to be a urine take. you want a car slower then a Spacio to stop yourself from speeding! but it still must do 110km/h because you live out of town! you do relies 110km/h is 10km/h over the speed limit! and then once you get into town are you just going to stop at the 50km/h sign and jump into an even slower car so as you don't break the 50km/h limit! or can that car do 60km/h! Do you relies how much of a spoon you sound like! Keep off the roads you space head cause no one can eat your ghost chips.
Dec 28, 12:11am
likes.Excellent idea.or, how about a donkey!Mind you, I believe they can sometimes need quite a lot of kick starting.
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