Help please.. Can anyone tell me where i can import a cheap boat fromany idea on shipping costs too tks

oh1mofo, Jan 12, 5:33am
can anyone tell me where i can import a cheap boat from.any idea on shipping costs too ! tks

wasser61, Jan 12, 5:43am
there is one just off the east coast stuck on the Astrolabe reef, I think you can have that one. it is in two halfs, so depends if you want to do it up in your spare time.

richard198, Jan 12, 2:47pm
I haven't done the sums but wouldn't the import costs of a 7 metre boat offset the cost an NZ boat!

nightboss, Sep 11, 11:19am
Bit of a "do up" job there, sure the present owner would let you have it for free as long as you pay for the removal.