1999 GTO headlight's

mike107, Jan 6, 1:21am
Listing #: 437820089

phillip.weston, Jan 6, 1:30am
^^ they're the lights the OP already has

mike107, Jan 6, 1:41am
I see!

suprememike, Jan 6, 2:22am
^^ This haha

lyndapotty, Dec 29, 8:50pm
Does anyone know where I can get some 1999 GTO headlight's for a decent price! Price from mitsi is about 2k each :S

phillip.weston, Dec 29, 8:51pm
yeah good luck. not many of the 1999-2000 models were brought into NZ. the locally sold examples ceased in the early 90s before the first facelift and not a great deal were imported in due to their high cost and lack of demand.

fordcrzy, Dec 29, 10:14pm
maybe try a 90mm hellakit from japan.probably about a grand for a pair. similar to the quad light kits fitted to most of the jappa stuff

fordcrzy, Dec 29, 10:18pm

lyndapotty, Jul 22, 7:03am
Nah, I've already got a 96 at the moment, just wanted to covert it to a 99 look. I gathered they would be hard to find, saw a 99 at a wrecker's but had a crashed front end :/