because they can and the government dosnt care, all that extra gst etc
Feb 16, 8:22pm
I need to fill up the daily tonight. Bet it is over $200 then. Dang
Feb 16, 8:37pm
No biggie, its nice when fuel goes up cause people take there cars out less often. I love less traffic on the road, may even see less v8's or high performance cars been wankers on the road. (not all but some are right tossers)
Feb 16, 9:10pm
Yep. Less idiots to dodge when riding the motor bike. Was talking to a fuel tanker driver and he was saying things are quiet for them due to the price hikes
Feb 16, 9:23pm
it will get worse yet my friend.
Feb 16, 9:44pm
Oil companies reported a 3% decrease in oil consumption over last quarter, resulting in the lowering of the price of a barrel of oil. However, a continuing weak NZ dollar and the Northern Hemispheres continuing harsh winter will probably not result in a lowering of prices. Sorry folks.
Feb 16, 9:46pm
complain about fuel costs but i bet you still buy it
Feb 16, 9:51pm
dam another 51cents extra to fill my motorbike :( but seriously it used to cost me around $40 to fill my 2 litre no fills 2005 car now over $60 closer to $70 shame on them do they really need these billions of dollars profits .
Feb 16, 9:52pm
I'm complaining because I've got no other way to make the 90km round trip to work each day!
Feb 16, 9:54pm
I haven't noticed any decrease in cars on the road cause of higher fuel prices
Feb 16, 9:56pm
people can bitch and moan but will still gas up
Feb 16, 9:59pm
I always said if I get a better job in Wellington, Auckland or CHCH, I'd leave the car in Wanganui and just settle for paying that little bit extra to live in town and walk to work. Would end up paying dividends in the end now!
Feb 16, 10:00pm
its a necessity these days
Feb 16, 10:00pm
And some are stil moaning that the kiwi dollar is too high!It is 50% higher than it was against some overseas currrencies not so long ago, so just think what fuel would cost if the dollar dropped.Just cost me almost $100 for less than 45 litres of BP98.
With the same amount of income for most people, they'll just cut back elsewhere but they certainly won't be saving for the future!
Feb 16, 10:05pm
i have a motorbike with a trailer on the back to take the kids to school, i make sure the kids wear their helmets tho, just joking i just fill up and go, who cares everything goes up in price, keep up otherwise you'll get lost.
Feb 17, 12:08am
Yip I dont complain id rather drive than seen taking 3 buses to where I want to go and then not able to carry loads.
Feb 17, 12:18am
It sucks because oil is nowhere near the price it was when petrol was last this price. Currently about $100 a barrel and when the price peaked at $2.20 a litre it was $150 a barrel. Our dollar is not weak currently. The oil companies are just slowly expanding their profit margins. Pure greed.
Im fortunate my car isn.t a guzzler but it still feels it costs more than it should to run. putting 360 litres into a plane each day is a different story. I was told the c-17 at christchurch last week took 100,000L to fill (three truck and trailer loads!)
Feb 17, 12:34am
I can't believe how soft arse New Zealanders are at LETTING them continually put prices up. If this was Europe there would be riots going on telling the oil companys where to stick it, but everybody just sits back and takes it. Thats why it goes up every couple of weeks and will keep going up until we stand up and tell them to shove it up there arse.
Feb 17, 12:39am
Yep, but being NZ'ers, unless it involves the AB's losing, we won't do anything about it.
Feb 17, 12:45am
It's just like the GST increase. The government said it would keep an eye on retailers taking the piss. TUI!There excuse for putting up stop people spending so much. Whats the largest expenditure every week to live! Your grocery shopping.Has the price of food increased by 2.5% which is every little! NO.everything has increase about 20%. everything got rounded up 50c or $1. It's bullshit and yet again everybody sits back and excepts it. Has the government done anything about it! NO. Is National going to get back in again.I freakin hope not.
Feb 17, 12:47am
So true.the AB's! .who are they!.oh who cares!
Feb 17, 12:51am
Look at the state of the country now compared to 5 years ago. Whats it going to be like in 5 years time! It's going down hill VERY fast. Thinking about it everything turned to shit when 9/11 happened.
Feb 17, 1:26am
they said that like 2 years ago, didnt happen and I dont believe it will. Called supply and demand.
Feb 17, 1:40am
It always amuses me that many of those who complain long and hard about petrol hitting $2 a litre will happily pay $2.75 for 750ml of WATER at the same service station. Which do you think costs more to produce! Why don't people whinge about the cost of a bottle of Pump!
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