Hard start honda 1992 ascot

karibakid, Feb 18, 5:59pm
have ascot F20Ahas had the air cleaner removed after market fitted
problem i live in Napier and in the last warm days go out drivingand return and park and after about 1 hr car will not start then wait 2-3 hrs car willthen start. what you all think

vtecintegra, Feb 18, 6:07pm
Might be the main fuel relay under the dashboard.

Read the 'How to find out if your main relay is faulty' section here: http://www.nzintegra.com/mainrelay.html (note its temperature dependent which is why it doesn't happen all the time)

bigfatmat1, Feb 18, 7:13pm
engine main relay/fuel relay under dash is a common cause of hard starting

bigfatmat1, Feb 18, 7:32pm
although in re reading that your symptoms also are common with igniter failures.

karibakid, Feb 18, 7:37pm
thanks to you all for your comments my mechanic freind mentioned the filter

karibakid, Feb 18, 8:08pm
i am using the airconalso

ginga4lyfe, Feb 18, 9:08pm
most likley the distributor or the Main relay as others have suggested, an air filter shouldnt stop a old honda from operating unless its completely blocked up

lugee, Feb 18, 11:26pm
Main relay is a likely culprit. The solder joints on its PCB go dry and crack over time. When you add heat the cracks open up and break the conductivity. This stops your fuel pump from running AKA no starting. My CRX does this every now and then on hot sunny days when the cabin temp is high.

a18a, Feb 19, 12:34am
as others have said, either the main relay or the igniter. very common problems in these cars

tmenz, Feb 19, 12:56am
As posters 2, 6, 10, 11 &12 have said:
I have one of these and had exactly the same problem. It's related to the temperature inside the cabin of the car, not under the bonnet.
Definitely the PGM-F1 relay up under the dashboard.
Definitely cracked solder joints inside the relay.
Easy to fix for someone handy with a soldering iron - or simply replace the relay.
To check if it's the relay while it's faulty undo the plug bolt on the top of fuel rail - passenger's side of the PGM-F1 assembly - (where a fuel pressure meter is fitted for diagnostics) - turn the engine over with the starter - if the relay's faulty, no fuel will appear - if the relay's OK, fuel will squirt out of the hole.

karibakid, May 9, 8:42pm
thanks for all your input cheers jack m