On a $10k budget - Honda Accord Euro 2003 or Mazda
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Jan 6, 6:25pm
None of your story makes any sense at all. If Coke were so upset why did they replace their MK5 VW's (which were the ones with the problem) with Mk6 vehicles when the lease came to an end!
The vehicles were leased so Coke never would have paid for the repairs even if the warranty didn't cover them. which it did.
You are going off half cocked and miss informed.
I am not sure if you are just trolling or have become confused with Chinese whispers of miss information.
Anyone can walk down the street and see that Coke have a batch of MK6 Golfs they are there for everyone to see.
You are just making up or repeating nonsense that anyone who does a quick bit of looking and reading can see is totally wrong. I would strongly suggest you check these facts for yourself because not only are you doing people a disservice you are making yourself look really silly.
BTW, it was not a "total transmission failure" at all, the transmission didn't fall to bits. It was just that that coke ordered a replacement fleet right at the moment when VW released the dry clutch DSG in the Diesels, which is when they had the problems. Basically the Diesel produced too much torque for the new style of clutch.
Your whole argument is completely pointless in the case of poster one as the later dry clutch DSG Diesels are well out of their price range. They will most likely be looking at a 1.6 chain driven, wet clutch Golf in order to get one close to their price range.
Jan 6, 6:29pm
This link makes you look even more stupid. Its a silly home made webpage with pictures of Nazi's in helmets and an argument that you shouldn't buy a VWbecause they are made in district the Nazi's founded.
Get a life.
Jan 6, 6:48pm
What about the REAL accounts of ownership and serveys suggesting they are rubbish, in fact a quick google search suggest all these problems dont appear to be limited to the golf, plenty of new vw utes giving problems that volkswagen are refusing to address, im sorry jazzpianoma but your one lopsided opinion doesnt mitigate the thousands of negative reviews and accounts of ownership.
Jan 6, 6:55pm
Not at all. The fuel economy difference between the 2.0 and 2.3 Mazda for instance is so little it's not even worth bothering about. The 2.0 Mazda only has a normal automatic gearbox while the 2.3 has a tiptronic 4 speed for pre 05 models and a 5 speed tiptronic for 05 models onwards.
If you're going to be spending $10k on a car you may as well get the best spec'd model you can afford - ie what I'm saying is don't pick a 2004 Mazda6 2.0 over say a 2002-2003 Mazda6 2.3 simply because it's newer or has less kms - they are the same car at the end of the day.
Jan 6, 7:05pm
Hi helen_nz2, is this still ongoing from last Feb when you last asked this question, or do you like to replace them every year!
Jan 6, 8:27pm
phillip.weston - thanks, that makes a lot of sense
zirconium - LOL - funny, hadn't realised it was that long ago I started considering, but it all got too hard, Now my car is playing up and ready to die so have had to spring in to action and stop procrastinating.
Perhaps if you dont know the facts you shouldnt comment and make factual statements, this is making you look silly, i mean really why get so upset about it that you feel the need to lie and make up stories to support your lop-sided view! surely you can be grown up enough to accept the facts as they are
Jan 6, 9:12pm
Jazz is really wound up now.LOL, excellent entertainment.
Jan 6, 9:48pm
Jazz caught out lying in order to protect his one-eyed rather than acting like a mature adult and just accepting that he is wrong. Now why doesn't this surprise me one bit. I remember reading a while back that over in Europe VW had recalled many vehicles due to faults with the DSG transmission but VW Australia refused to do a recall despite the owners in Australia suffering the same problems.
Jan 6, 10:12pm
Jazz, Coke indeed do own their vehicles.They have also started running Kia Sportages.
Jan 6, 11:04pm
Yes, i think anything other then a vw offering would be a significant step up in quality, durability and all round owner/driver satisfaction
Jan 7, 12:37am
Jazz you have to love the anything but Jap hating idiots in this country, whats the bet they have never set foot behind the wheel of a Passat or a E Class Merc!
Jan 7, 3:44pm
we seem to have scared jazz off, he got caught out lying so now he will waitfor this thread to die down before coming back and starting his bs drivel again. i have lost count of the number of times he has done this before.
Jan 7, 11:47pm
Whooops! Quite right, I was wrong in that assumption. I take it back.
Jan 7, 11:49pm
Yip just learnt that. However it dosn't change that they bought a whole bunch of MK6 Golfs after having the MK5 Golfs with the transmission issues.
Anyhow, that's it from me in this thread. I have said what I need to. There is enough info there for any sensible minded person to get an accurate picture of the situation.
The Golf is still one of the most popular vehicles in the world, and for good reason.
Jan 8, 12:25am
I don't see how these figures work in your favour at all Jazz. They show that the jappas are far better than the Golf.
In the reliability index, 100 is average across all cars, above 100 is below average, less than 100 is better reliability than average. The Golf scored 89, the Mazda 68 and the Honda an amazing 45! The stats show 3% of Golfs had a problem with the transmission, the Honda had 0% faults for transmission, air conditioning, and cooling and heating system. In fact 41% of the faults in the Honda were engine related and as Honda's have astoundingly good engine reliability (I never saw a failure in 6 1/2yrs as a service technician) I can only assume the figures show an exceptionally low number of total faults overall.
The only area the Golf beats the Honda and Mazda is in time off the road and that would be due to 15,000km versus 10,000km service intervals. When you're paying $2 per minute for servicing at a European car dealership, you wouldn't want to be there too often.
To summarise, the links you posted put the Honda in a clear first place followed by the Mazda with the Golf 3rd, slightly better than average for a market heavily laden with unreliable Euro cars.
If anyone is skewing the truth, it's you Jazz.
Jan 8, 1:05am
Not saying the Golf is more reliable, just that is acceptably reliable. The reason to buy the Golf (as anyone who has owned one knows) is its a much better car. Safety, performance, handling, economy etc.
The 6 Speed DSG coupled with the FSI or Diesel engines simply blows the others out of the water. Its a much more efficient and nicer to use and live with system than any regular auto. Both sets of engines are wonderful economical and reliable units.
I am over arguing it though, either poster one will take one for a drive and see for themselves or they won't. I really can't be bothered anymore, trying to argue this with people who have most likely never even sat in one and just want to troll is just pointless.
Jan 8, 1:21am
and the harping continues
Jan 8, 1:23am
Ultimately Jazzpianoma this still asks the question why did you feel the need to lie about it! especially after accusing me of 'going off half cocked and miss informed'! The way i see it there are two scenarios either A: you dont know nearly as much as you imply or B; you simply lie to support your argument, there are no alternatives. Either way any weight you added to this discussion is completely lost
Jan 8, 1:27am
LMAO, I get one detail incorrect (honest mistake) against your several incorrect and plainly stupid points and you go after me for it. Like I said before, get a life, go back to highschool and have your childish points scoring arguments there.
Jan 8, 1:32am
In fact, everything else that has been posted here seems to point the other way. I want YOU to post SOMETHING that has FACTUAL EVIDENCE that backs up YOUR claims!
Jan 8, 1:35am
LOL, if you really need someone to explain to you why a 6 speed dual clutch automated transmission is more efficient than a regular automatic with a torque converter you shouldn't be posting in Motoring.
Likewise with the FSI system.
Plenty of posts about it in past, use the search function.
Clearly you are also another one that should at minimum drive one before opening your mouth, especially if you don't understand the mechanics of it.
Jan 8, 1:44am
The point is the same Jazzpianoma Why would you make a factual comment that you arent sure of or dont know! to me this goes back to the same 2 possibilities either A; you dont know what your talking about, or B: you make up any lie to support YOUR argument
Jan 8, 1:47am
Going back to the OP's request for information, if they have the same k's on them then I would toss a coin, they are both good cars. The Hondais nice to drive and the Mazda is well assembled, As for the rest of the irrelevant conversations in this thread I would just ignore them, while the Golf may suit some, it does not suit all.
Jan 8, 1:49am
Its both for Jazz actually. He doesn't know what hes talking about and just makes up BS to support whatever he says, as usual.
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