1998 Honda Accord Radio stero code

sub13, Jul 10, 10:05pm
Hi. Just picked up this car yesterday and the stereo is asking for a code. On the net it says that there is a 5 digit code that you need to eneter (and by the way this error message is what happenes when the battery is removed apparently) unfortunately I do not have the code but do have the serial number for the stereo (its a Kenwood made for Honda) apprciate any ideas anyone may have. Oh yes - it has a stacker in the boot also.

andrea_w, Jul 10, 10:12pm
Ring Honda, they should have the code in their system. You will need to quote your number plate to them though

antwerp87, Jul 11, 3:27am
If its NZ new above statment is correct. Altho it needs to be the owner of the car that rings up. They have craked down alot on that. You need your drivers licence etc and proof that its your car. I know its crazy all just for a stereo code.

sub13, Jul 12, 5:56am
Thanks all - rung honda as suggested and they gave me the code. Stereo now working.

andrea_w, Jul 12, 6:08am
Good stuff
Cheers for the update