Help please EL Falcon

s.patete, Feb 22, 10:11pm
I took the battery out last weekend to help a mate and ever since the car will randomly stall when buttoning off accelerator meaning having my left foot on standby or just left foot braking while keeping revs up. It seems to be more of a problem once warm and not as much of a problem if cruise control is on but not set.Before the battery came out it had never stalled but did random rev when idling, when I asked on here about that someone mentioned the Idle Speed Controller could be clogged.I have cleaned this the best I can and the random revving has decreased a little but not gone away.
Coiuld taking the battery out have stuffed with the computer settings

howz_that, Feb 22, 10:39pm
what type of car

fordguy17, Feb 22, 10:55pm post a question up in the 6cyl forum.

s.patete, Feb 23, 2:24am
Thanks for that xraps but the car drives and performs fine its only when you release the accelerator to slow down for an intersection the revs will drop to 4-500 and only sometimes stall, on the odd occasion the revs will fall to the normal 800 ish and not flutter at all.Also I have noticed a petrol smell when it very nearly/does die.Will jump on fordmods tomorrow, thanks for the help.

dent, May 19, 2:49am
have you tired cleaning the throttle butterfly!