if you take your car to a mechanics because the engine light is on will they hook it up to the diagnostic computer and get the code to see what the problem is free of charge!
Feb 22, 2:21pm
Sometimes but with the diagnostic toll costing many thousand's of dollars for them to buy, aren't they due some return on b oth their time and that investment!Here in Dunedin the usual cost is $40 to $50. Good luck.
Feb 22, 2:24pm
Some will. If it's an older car you can probably get the codes out yourself. Have a read here. http://codes.rennacs.com/
Once you have got the codes you should come back and get advice about what to do next because the codes are only a guide and aid and not literal. For instance, the O2 sensor code might be caused by a blocked fuel filter or an air leak, it does not always mean there is a fault with the sensor, it can be the mixture is wrong. A lot of the codes are like that so depending on the symptoms and the codes you need to decide what to check.
Feb 22, 2:25pm
Diagnostic readers these days are in the hundreds of dollars and less. not thousands.
Feb 22, 10:36pm
not for something descentbetween 5-30k. sure you can get something cheap but they wont program bcms, keys other computers, and wont connect to all the relevent systems. ect ect & dont have built in scopes
Feb 23, 12:35am
For an OBD2 reader yes. But you won??
Feb 23, 1:25am
My scan tools total over $70000 and still we have to pay update fees ,training etc.We charge between $55 and $65 to scan a car ,this includes 15 minutes of labour time. A fair charge i think and as a return on investment,not enough.
Feb 23, 1:37am
We got our car scanned in Wanaka for the check engine light.$80 later.Dunno why I thought it would be free, guy never mentioned cost before he did it.Oh well
Feb 23, 2:05am
what brand and model is it
Feb 23, 2:46am
Modis,bosch FSA 740 and a DEC superscan2.also have 2 laptop based mainly obd scanners.still get caught with a make that we cannot do sometimes but have a mate with a hanatech and can get access to a launch.
Feb 23, 3:26am
So if you had to throw all but one out, which would, you keep! Everyone seems to really rate Launch.
Feb 23, 4:12am
our multi-european franchise workshop (in Hastings to make it obvious) has just purchased a Launch to supplement our vast array of factory gear, and I must say I am impressed. Easy to use and able to carry out basic programming, actuations and data as well as other useful tasks like service reminders.
Feb 23, 3:04pm
That is really hard to say.They all have there strengths and weaknesses. would depend on what type of cars you worked on.I think the modis covers a wide range of makes.Only needed the launch for oddball cars that we do not see often ,last one was a XKR jag that none of the others covered.The DEC covers a lot of euromakes and landrover.Also it does a lot of configuration on makes like peugeot, renault ,euro ford etc. We service such a wide range of cars that one tool would never be enough. but i would say either hanatec or the modis would give you the widest coverage if you could only pick one.
Feb 23, 6:18pm
modis lol imho = fail
Feb 23, 10:53pm
Feb 23, 11:31pm
I use Rennacs system, free updates and they,re always updating their software
Feb 23, 11:42pm
the coverage is awful for nz market. The lay out is shit. its usefulness is like tits on a bull the customer service is non existent in nelson updates cost. I mean come on its 2011 and this is what you have to offer snapon.
Feb 24, 1:07am
I have had one since they first came out .I have found out of all the scan tools we use it has a great coverage NZ ,AUS usa and euro.I would expect to pay for updates or where does the R and D come from.someone has to pay.They are due to release a new modelwhich looks a bit more touch pad based. Maybe it depends on your rep as i get great service from them.
Feb 24, 1:11am
nelson has no rep.
Feb 24, 1:58am
what tool do you guys use.!
May 21, 9:19pm
I refuse to buy off sulco. He is our only tool repI use the net. luckily I got me tools before I moved here. petroject for diagnostics
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