Check engine light. What sensors are there or what do i look for in a terrano td27tdi r50

givmassage, Jan 26, 1:34am
what sensors are there or what do i look for in a terrano td27tdi r50

mugenb20b, Jan 26, 1:38am
Check engine light = take your car to a garage that has a scanner.

What you can do is, check the air intake hose for splits between the air flow meter and turbo charger, very common. Don't just visually check it, squeeze it and look for splits, remove it if you have to.

dmoney73, Jan 26, 1:58am
Solenoid in the electronic diesel pump will most likely be the fault. Real common on R50 diesel terranos.

givmassage, Jan 26, 4:20am
its real random on a bit then off for a while

mugenb20b, Nov 3, 2:46am
Are there any split air intake hoses!