2E carbied corolla flooding issue

fordluva, Feb 24, 5:36pm
recently our daughters car has started flooding itself, might just hunt for another carby, what actually causes this! hole in the float!

saki, Feb 24, 5:39pm
leaking inlet valve, pump output pressure.

fordluva, Feb 24, 5:44pm
its fine if its been sitting a while but strangely enough when we first got it I had to loctite the pump outlet into place after it blew out.

fordluva, Feb 24, 7:57pm
the times it has done it its more like half an hour or so after the last time it was driven, not that its does it all the time but seems to be becoming more and more frequent, doesnt seem to do it if parked up for a few hours or more.

NZTools, Feb 24, 8:22pm
is it one of those crappy sidedraught carbs by any chance! If it is, its no simple fix.

ema1, Feb 24, 8:41pm
Been there done that .replaced one I had with the later downdraft type, complete with inlet manifold and all that goes with it.what a difference.
Yep agreed those earlier side draft carbs are a right pain, that's why they went away from them.

ginga4lyfe, Feb 24, 8:52pm
last time i had a flooding issue was on my Suzuki Carry, all i did was take the tip of the float needle and clean it up with wet n dry paper ( a very fine grade ),, also took a piece of paper and glued it to the end of a match stick and gave the end of the float flute and gave that a bit of a rough up and reset the float level, it stopped shortly after that after it reseated itself, ( or maybe it was a coincidence )

fordcrzy, May 24, 2:12am
its common on those corollas. only fix is to repace the carb and inlet manifold with a starlet type one, we had one of those crappy constant velocity carbs and it kept stalling at lights etc etc.