I know that Toyota went from using R12 gas to R134a air con gas from 1994 onwards. Question is are the pumps the same on both types of air con installations and what else is likely to be different, like is the expansion valve different. Reason I ask is I have a 1993 FX SJ here, it has air in it but being R12 type I am wanting to know if it's a good idea to retro fit the post 1994 air con gear as it will be built for R134a. Toyota specialists and or refrigeration/air con experts please.
Jan 9, 10:47pm
To convert from R12 to R134 you need to replace all seals/orings etc. If keeping the same Pump, you will need an additive lubricant I believe as well (Been a while since I last put R134 in a R12 system)
Jan 9, 10:49pm
what HE said ^^^^^^I'd save myself the hassle and try to just get a top up of some R12
Jan 9, 11:08pm
R12 is banned
Jan 9, 11:23pm
R12 is banned on new cars. Older cars designed for R12 can still be topped up with R12.
Jan 9, 11:30pm
convert to R49L aka R413. it's a drop in gas that needs no changes to operate normally.
Jan 9, 11:31pm
How much R12 would you like! I've got a couple of bottles.
Jan 10, 12:10am
Yea Na. That is now illegal. New european cars have another new gas that will replace R134A, and we have been informed that the 134a tx valves will not work with it.
Jan 10, 1:23am
Really! we still buy it in & use it. I know there was a gas before R12 that the R12 replaced for the older cars.
Jan 10, 2:32am
Just been Googling the subject and a lot of air con specialists in the UK say RS24 is a good drop in for R12 designed systems. Is RS24 gas available in NZ!
Jan 10, 2:49am
it's actualy Refrigerant 426 aka R426. i'm not sure that is avail but refrigerant R413 (not to be confused with R134a) is in NZ & that is also a drop in gas for R12, pretty much identicle, also goes by the name R49L.
Jan 10, 4:59am
Really, I have a few bottles in the shed.
Jan 10, 2:24pm
Who sells the R12 Unbeataball!
Jan 10, 4:29pm
LPG :-) yeah, nah.
Jan 10, 4:43pm
We have been told by our suplier that R12 is illegal to buy and recharge with. There was a time perriod when it was no longer suplied and you could still recharge with it to get rid of stocks but that time has lapsed and you can no longer recharge with R12. We use R413.
Jan 10, 8:28pm
R406drop in replacementhalf the price of 413bit better performance than old r12 . Any one still got itis probablyusedgas from old cars removed beforecrushing . Ask fridge crowd .
Jan 10, 10:44pm
I'm not sure as I don't personally order it, but I know our workshop still gets it in.
Jan 10, 10:53pm
We deal with realcold, civic, pans & appco, they haven't had any for the last 3 years i think. Was just curious about the r12
Jan 10, 11:06pm
Hi gadgit3 hows it going! I have started another thread re what are the differences between the R12 pre 1994 air con units and the later post 1994 R134a units as I have access to a later R134a complete set up to replace the R12 one with. Just wanting to know what differences are between the 2 systems besides the pumps, the expansion valves and the fill point valves please! I invite others toapply their knowledge here also T.I.A.
Jan 10, 11:19pm
No you don't.
Jan 11, 12:55am
why are all you fukctards so proud about using a gas that destroys our ozone!
Jan 11, 1:04am
We know that it's banned and what relevance does this have to my question, besides I haven't mentioned using R12 myself and if you read that I was asking what the options there are. How about reading and thinking before you post absurd posts. The last post you put on here is not warranted at all, sounds like you have a limited vocabulary, if you can't be constructive .butt out !
Jan 11, 1:08am
Yeah I do, why do you say I don't! I got them ages ago / years ago and they haven't been used since.
Jan 11, 1:23am
It only destroys it if it is released. What harm does it do either in a operation A/C System or stored in bottles! Do you suggest we are better off releasing it into the atmosphere!
Jan 11, 1:29am
Better off disposing of it correctly. Most R12 systems are getting old now and pump seals leaking so by recharging the old systems with R12 you are releasing it.
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