Matthew, think I have the answer Pls ring on 3764985
Feb 24, 7:53pm
Did you replace the master cylinder parts, like the oil seals! or rebore the master cylinder!
People don't believe me but I don't bleed brakes using the 'pedal system'. I bleed them using a vaccum pump.
I think whats happening to you is. The lines have water in them. The water has rusted ther master cylinder bore, past where the piston normally travels. Since you pushed the mastercylinder piston past its normal travel distance, its pushed past the rust & broken some off. That rust has destroyed the rubber seals & now they won't work correctly & you will need to pump the pedal to get it to brake. Also, all of that rust is now moving down the lines towards the slave cylinders & the leaking master cylinder is letting some ir into the lines.
Check your fluid at the rear wheels, it may have loose rust in it & be discoloured.
The 'Hanes book' & Ford Cortina MK4 . I'm damn sure they had the picture of the rear brake components mirror imaged to what its supposed to be. I got several second opinions & they aggreed with me.
Feb 24, 8:35pm
Agree, good idea to get a "base" test of the lines & master cyl plus extending to each wheel.
Feb 24, 8:37pm
Can you take a photo of the back of the current setup on the car!
Feb 24, 8:45pm
Ok well, I think i hit gold, I managed to find out exactly how to bleed the brakes using the gravity bleed method, result = Tons more fluid into the res, and stuff all actually dripping out, the rear left was the main culprit, im onto the rear right making sure there is no air in that side the brake pedal seams to be as it should nowand as it was pre-cylinder renewal, and Sorry Bruce, Im kinda phobic about phones ( yes a dumb phobia, and i do force myself to do it otherwise for really important things, or people i know, but me + phones is a general no-no ) -_- I feel dumb for not liking talking on phones.
Feb 24, 11:56pm
Not the exact same as your car but near enough. The pin will have moved when you attempted your bleed and it must be centralised and held in centre to do an effective bleed.
May 25, 3:52am
I had trouble with air trapped under the rear brake pistons on my zephyr.The solution was to remove the brake drum and push the piston down with a screw driver while opening the bleed valve
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