Brought a new car and a month later.

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kelsie21, Feb 25, 9:05pm
it has a major oil leak. Gutted! I thought I was getting an expensive but reliable vehicle, feels like ive brought a lemon and not sure what to do now.

toyboy3, Feb 25, 9:08pm
new car or old car new to you !

fordluva, Feb 25, 9:10pm
first thing would be to get it looked at, my old car had an oil leak too which I hadnt even noticed until I was selling it, much like yours it was an expensive car with low ks, when I actually looked to see where it was coming from I found out the oil filter had worked itself loose, took about 3 seconds to fix.

kelsie21, Feb 25, 9:17pm
A used 2005 mazda

whynot7, Feb 25, 9:19pm
new = new car
new =another car
new =a different car

kelsie21, Feb 25, 9:25pm
Your right!But this is not really what I was expecting - not helpful to my situation.Was more interested if I have any rights seen as I purchased it a month ago.

superdave0_13, Feb 25, 9:26pm
It is possible to bring a new car.

howz_that, Feb 25, 9:26pm
Did you buy it privately or from a yard

kelsie21, Feb 25, 9:27pm
From a yard

whynot7, Feb 25, 9:31pm
need to know more about your car . where is oil coming from . did you buy it from a dealer or privatley etc. crystal ball is broken thats all . they made more than one model mazda. if it was from a dealer ring them they will advise you what to do

mrfxit, Feb 25, 10:12pm
Yea I think they made 2 models . 1's that work & 1's that don't

kaymay88, Feb 25, 10:12pm
purchasd from a yard
only had a month,
and it has an oil leak!
youll probably find the yard will be quick to act and fix it it for you. that should have been your first stop.

kelsie21, Feb 25, 11:13pm
The yard has it now, but they are fixing it under the mech insurance not because they think its wrong that it happened after a month. I kinda feel like ive been sold a lemon for 20,000 bucks. I upgraded to get away from a Lemon car!Normal sale too btw.

welshdude, Feb 25, 11:52pm
Did the leak start after you had had it a month! The poor old yard can't even predict what might happen a day after it leaves the yard. That's why used vehicle yards no longer have to offer a free warranty under the law.

kelsie21, Feb 25, 11:57pm
Dont get me wrong Im happy its getting sorted but when I brought the car I said I wanted a car that wont play up like the last one I had (that they sold me). just feel a bit ripped off really.Do they have to fix it them selves within a certain time frame of buying it!I was told two months from a friend.

carkitter, Feb 26, 9:32am
As far as I know, most used cars have a 'concrete' warranty. As soon as they're off the concrete. 30 days is usually about the limit if any real warranty applies. The only oil leaks I can see being major is a rear main (having to remove the gearbox) or one at the front of the motor (putting the cambelt at risk). Where is it leaking from!

carstauranga001, Feb 26, 12:48pm
You appear to have no understanding of either the Consumer Guarantees Act or thhe Fair Trading Act. Google and learn. This matter must be rectified by the dealer (and it is.) This is a great example of why people should NOT purchase privately.

saxman99, Feb 26, 12:56pm
You haven't bought a lemon any more than anyone else ever has. Cars are just rubbish. All of them. Even the good ones.Enjoy!

stevo2, Feb 26, 1:22pm
Cheers Stevo

oakie, Feb 26, 1:23pm
am I reading this right!. $20K for a 2005 Mazda!. what model is it!

kelsie21, Feb 26, 2:31pm
Its obvious that you are unaware of the current market.I did my homework on the model and not even Turners were cheaper.

stevo2, Feb 26, 2:33pm
Must be a Mazda6 Ltd or CX7!
cheers stevo

kelsie21, Feb 26, 2:34pm
Right rear of the engine. its auto/tiptronic

kelsie21, Feb 26, 2:37pm
Something like that stevo .

phillip.weston, Feb 26, 2:38pm
Basically most of them! Mazda 6's/Atenzas with low kms and Mazda 3 SP23's with low kms will be in the $20k region. The CX-7 wasn't out in 2005.