Window tint

callum34, Mar 1, 10:30pm
hey guys my car has had the window tint removed (too dark) and the glue they use to hold the tint on wont come off any suggestions would be great.


20498, Mar 1, 10:41pm
Prepsol will take it off with ease :D

jash3, Mar 1, 10:42pm
Have a look on youtube might be something on there.

saki, Mar 1, 10:55pm
soapy water sprayed on

aragorn2003, Mar 2, 1:03am
ados solvent will work a treat

westy23, Mar 2, 1:04am
GP thinners

jono2912, Mar 2, 1:22am

Ed: if you're got a really sharp scraper, scrape off what adhesive you can first.

kiwi-d, Mar 2, 1:23am
does anyone know who does tinting in chch for a car! 35%

jono2912, Mar 2, 1:24am
Yellow pages.

jono2912, Mar 2, 1:25am

aimz_bj, Mar 2, 1:25am
tint my ride was a great guy, he was inside the city centre. so his workshop may not be accessable.Give him a call tho as he maybe operating out of somewhere else

biancaw, Jun 6, 12:14pm
Try Shannon Lush, she has concoctions for everything. In fact, this is what she suggests for Glue/plastic base on windscreen (close enough).
What to use: Tea tree oil, thin screwdriver (or similar), heat gun.
How to apply: Work tea tree oil into the glue at the back of the plastic base & leave for 24hrs. Carefully work a screwdriver behind the base & lever it away from the glass. If it doesn't come away, aim a heat gun over the plastic. Only use the heat gun in short bursts or you could crack your windscreen.

If this didn't answer your question then google Shannon Lush & see if you can email her to see how to remove.