drove towards two during the holidays and bell rx65 remained dead quiet! been a great detector over last 5 years but now wondering if the police have changed frequencies! stillworks on pop and k band with police cars. any idea's ppl!
Jan 11, 12:44am
The speed camera hadn't been turned on! Or maybe your bell rx65 wasn't on.
Jan 11, 12:49am
The van cameras use a low frequency K band unfortunately you cant pick them up. Cop cars yes.
Jan 11, 1:10am
Now a days they got those fancy new cameras rigged to vans and they scan traffic for arrest warrants,overdue wof/rego and other stuff, the van doesn't move but the cop in the van tips off motor bike cops to pull them up, a lot cheaper and easier to catch people out, but in my opinion just another step closer to a police state
Jan 11, 1:18am
You have to enable "K" band on your detector to detect the Mobile vans
Gives you stuff all warning even with a Bel STI so blink and it's over
The Radar in Patrol cars still use "KA" Band which they employ mostly instant-on
Think Laser is also employed
Jan 11, 1:19am
Pure fiction. How does the camera know who's in the car !
Jan 11, 1:23am
drive southbound through manukau right now, they were doing it 15 min ago, and they don't know who is in the car that's why they run the plates details and get the bike cops to pull people up, the camera van doesn't ticket people only the cops pulling them over
Jan 11, 1:29am
Yerrr, no, they announced it quite awhile ago. Cops in Britain have been using them for years.
Jan 11, 1:35am
We don't have facial recognition cameras here, but we do have plate recognition ones, which do a check for vehicle of interest/vehicle licence/wof.Auckland only on trial at this stage I believe.
Jan 12, 6:23am
cameras dont flash if you travel under the post speed limit.lol
Jan 12, 7:23am
Yep, driveunder the limit, beat them at their own game!
Jan 12, 7:51pm
An ice cream wrapper "accidently "stuck to # plate &wiper blade obscuringrego label .Going to Taupo sunday so expect ! to bejust south of Rangipo as usual& yeahdetectors dont pick them up anymore .Its a battle them against us .
Jan 12, 9:17pm
I saw one of these in Porirua well over a year ago.
Jan 13, 7:59pm
Do you win when wrapped around a lamp post!
Jan 13, 8:12pm
^^^^By exceeding the speed limit by 4 kphyeah right , what if it comes down to 2 k overstill think the same !
Sep 15, 3:00pm
and all this is going to stop someone racing their friend on a winding rd and killing people and of all things their own family
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