It shows that in this country a lot of people have a total disregard for the laws and are quite willing to give their money away to the government. Personally i have better thing to do with my money than give it to the government. All speed cameras should be hidden and there should be a very small tolerance of the limit. 2km is ample imo.
Sep 14, 9:37pm
Even if it was a school zone how does that explain a ticket for 52kmph!
Sep 14, 9:40pm
on a downhill none the less!
Sep 14, 10:02pm
2km/h over. which is within the manufacturer's stated margin of error of the microwave detection being +/- 1.5km/h once rounded. Completely ridiculous in the first instance alone!
Sep 14, 10:02pm
Another gullible drone. If you don't want to give the government your money I suggest you learn to think for yourself.
Sep 14, 10:04pm
Its time to stand up and stop the government relying on $100M a year in infringement revenue and start concentrating on proper policing and safety. All while people let themselves be taken for fools it will continue.
It dosn't take a genius to understand that the Police need to be increasingly sneaky to retain the revenue stream.
Sep 14, 11:08pm
is there anything stopping another car parking right behind the camera van so they can not get pictures !
Sep 14, 11:33pm
Two things need to happen for the Police/Govt to collect revenue from you:
(1) They need to park up somewhere in a speed camera
(2) You need to speed past it
Sep 14, 11:34pm
Spray paint them !
Sep 14, 11:50pm
hahah good one. So if your speedo is 3kms out would you be happy paying fines.
Sep 14, 11:55pm
Soo many people say if you dont speed then you wont get ticketed. Thats the same as saying to your dog if you dont poop in the laundry then you wont get punished.
Well the problem in the system lies in the delivery of the punishment. Lets give a comparable example to how the system works. Dog 'rover' comes into the house and poops in the kitchen. Two weeks later owner comes and gives rover a wallop and says bad dog dont poop. What does rover learn! Nothing is the correct answer. He doesnt learn anything because there is too much time between 'crime' and punishment. In the world of speed cameras this is how it works and that is exactly why they do not work as a road safety device.
If the person was to receive their ticket immediately then they would change their driving behaviour, I know I did for quite a while after getting a ticket from a patrol car because it made me realise that they can see me before I can see them! The more time between crime and punishment, the less effective the punishment is. If someone heads out to drive the length of the country they may do so at 10 km/h over the limit continuously, they could end up with 5 or more tickets a few weeks down the track but does that make the trip any safer! Not in the slightest. If it was a cop that pulled them up initially then they could well have travelled at the limit for the remainder of the trip.
I agree with AA in the way that they should have signage accompanied with them but I think people may be taking the signage a bit literally. I think that 250m prior to the speed camera there should be a sign on the road simply displaying the speed limit. This is a reminder so that they only capture those who are intently speeding rather than those who just have a little whoops and creep up 5-10km/h.
Lastly the tolerances need to be fair. The 3-5km/h over the speed limit is not what causes a crash so why not have the 5km/h tolerance standard. This will prevent what I consider innocent people from getting a ticket for 2km/h over the limit. Hell most speedos are 5km/h out at best and the lines are in 5km/h increments.
Reading some of the comments on that stuff article I am amazed how many perfect drivers there are out there! They sure are not in Invercargill.
Sep 14, 11:56pm
Yes its all fine until they get caught out. I wish silly ignoramus (should that be ignormami when its plural!) like that would bugger off. Their blind acceptance of the regime allow the rights of all of us to be eroded.
They are too short sighted to realize that if we keep letting tolerances and laws be ratcheted down there will come a point where its too difficult to get some sensibility back.
Thats how brain washing works, same techniques were used in Nazi Germany, the Korean War etc. We should NOT be allowing it to be blatantly used on ourselves.
Sep 14, 11:57pm
I cannot remember who originally said this but it went something like this: "I feel like following you around with a video camera for a day to show you what a rubbish driver you are, all within the speed limit"
Sep 15, 12:44am
Hey the governments gotta pay for the Chch quakes somehow
Sep 15, 1:15am
There are standard tolerances, there needs to be some investigation why tickets for 2kmph over the limit get issued.
"Therefore Police will strictly enforce a 4 km/hour tolerance within 250 meters on each side of school boundaries to counter a quantifiable and publicly obvious road safety risk."
"Why don't they just enforce the actual speed limit!
Have you not seen those round signs with 50 or 100 written on them! People don't read signs mate, that is why they have speed cameras. I have been caught twice for speeding and paid the fines without whingeing about as i knew i was speeding. I admit i broke the law and paid the penalty.
Sep 15, 2:20am
I take it you have never been in an unfamiliar area, pulled out of a driveway or whatever and not known the speed limit for the area you are currently in!
Sep 15, 3:26am
IMHO there needs to be a sytem to show what spped zone you are in.Is so easy in urban areas to be in a 50 or 60 or 70 and in some cases the limit varies depending on which section of the road you happen to be on.My bright idea is coloured cats eye type dots evry 100mts or so - different colour for different speeds.
Sep 15, 3:30am
pay up. it is simple.
Sep 15, 3:32am
i agree.i always thought that a differnt coloured side marker line would be a good idea
Sep 15, 3:39am
There is always one! WHO CAN'T READ!
Sep 15, 5:20am
MY 2c, would be a percentage tolerance, so, say 9%, would be adequate to keep speeds in town to a minimum, while allowing up to 109km/h open road. The worst thing about strictly enforcing this 109km/h "Tolerance", is the need to at times pass some one doing 90km/h, and doing 109 would take a lot longer than the squirt to say 120, and pull back in line.
Sep 15, 5:37am
You're certainly a bit simple. Coincidently, that's just the way the government likes it's peasants too.
Sep 15, 12:28pm
So, what some of you are saying is, it is ok to speed! I suppose it is also ok for you to not pay for your next tank of petrol, or maybe have some lowlife come and rape your mrs, or to jump the neighbours fence to flog his veges, or to import a couple kilos of 'ice'! To supernova2 and fordcrzy, have you never noticed those round things on poles!
Sep 15, 12:35pm
The things that always amuses me with people whinging about speed infringements is when they cry (as one did in a report in a very recent newspaper report).".but I was only 2kph over the tolerance."Well, that may be true but they are admitting (it was on the open road not an urban area) they were actually 12kph over the posted speed limit.Hard to argue with really, and easy to laugh at.
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