where is a good and reasonable priced place in West Auckland to get a 250cc kawasaki ninja serviced. Also need the front fork seals replaced.was quoted $300 for that job.sounds a bit expensive to me.
Mar 1, 3:46pm
Try Henderson Motorcycles in View Road.
Mar 1, 4:01pm
Buggar! Thanks.
Mar 1, 4:12pm
Spectrums about the only old school type guy on the Shore.He'll work on anything. Rest of them aren't interested in working on any bikes that are 10 years or older.20 is a worse figure .and 300 to do a couple of fork seals is a total ripper.100 plus cost of seals and oil is all it should be. Gone are the days of big Pete and the lads at Nth Shore Motorcycles with helpful advice and the like.though they are still about in a private capacity.
Mar 1, 7:27pm
Trust you huh.always an answer and generally a negative one. Na.I'll leave it.
Mar 1, 7:45pm
Spectrum aren't ripoff merchants.He wouldn't still be in business after what is it probably 20 years now.not that I need to bother using a motorcycle shop to do anything on a bike.Just saying you always have to have the last word.
Mar 1, 8:16pm
Warren Bridgeman in Parrs Cross road (or off PC road). Good guy and does good work. Always busy so book in quick.
Mar 1, 10:42pm
also recommend warren, known him since kingsland honda days and most of the customers followed him out west when he left.
Mar 2, 1:46am
hey, iv got a qualified mechanic that services my ninja 650r in henderson, he's very good and also very cheap . Let me know if you want his number.
Mar 2, 2:45am
theres is a absolutly mint bike mechanic called warren works from home not far from henderson valley road works from home used to know him years ago (sell him stuff) and went past a couple months ago was very well known just cant put his address up try putting him on kiwi biker someone bound to know him very well known thru the ulysses and hes very exprienced
Mar 2, 2:47am
hahaha there you go someone was thinking of him,go have a chat with him real nice guy very very knowledgeable
Mar 2, 3:10am
There's a sign outside a drive near the bottom of Mountain Rd, Henderson Valley.
Mar 2, 1:20pm
I'd be keen to have a chat with this guy if could pass his number
Jun 8, 11:11am
Is that Toby ex Henderson m/cycles! A good guy too.
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