I need to buy a GPS

player_smurf, Feb 27, 6:56pm
After getting lost this morning I decided I need a GPS.don't know diddly squat about them, so any recommendations!Don't need anything to high powered just something basic and easy to use. TIA

intrade, Feb 27, 7:10pm
most work the same but if you want free maps then there is only garmin that i know off.

johnf_456, Feb 27, 7:17pm
Yip garmin for free conatantly updated maps. Otherwise all others have pro's and cons.

afer_daily, Feb 27, 7:19pm
sounds like you need a gps to find a store that sells them.

matthew111, Feb 27, 7:38pm
buy a map and ask a local for directions if llost.it is cheaper.

whqqsh, Feb 27, 8:38pm
I have tomtom, easy to use & no worries, updates arent free though but Ive had mine 2 years & know the motorway changes made recently around here anyway. But will update when most of its done

tmenz, Feb 27, 8:42pm
Garmin or Tomtom seem to be the favoured brands. Choose one that has the features you want, at the price you're prepared to pay.
Don't go by size - the smaller ones are easily readable and more than loud enough.
Go into the retail shops such as Dick Smith, J B Hifi, Leemings etc. and try out the ones on display.

player_smurf, Feb 27, 9:07pm
thanks for that.will do that as I looked at DS website and there's a lot to choose from!Think i will pay them a visit and suss it out from there.

johnf_456, Feb 27, 9:28pm
You don't see ambulances going around with a map, get out of the cave this is the 21st century. We aren't in a cave anymore, so much easier with gps imho, especially if you go off track its not easy to find out your way back in the dark.

johnf_456, Feb 27, 10:34pm
Do you ever provided any proper advice matthew!

falconer, Feb 27, 10:43pm
Tom Tom is my favourite. Puchased a cheap Chinese knock off that had a softwear glitch that when you went through an intersection it would go to a different mode. Very annoying. I also like Navman but have not used any others. GPS is the greatest invention since sliced bread. Will not travel without one.

player_smurf, Feb 27, 10:53pm
yeah sorry matthew111.you are a dork!

wills, Feb 27, 11:36pm
Hi player_smurf.
Having a top of the line Tomtom and using an iphone myself I am not sure I would buy another GPS.
I find the Iphone does everything I need and even have a waterproof case and use it for plotting marine courses and marking my fishing spots.
You just have so much much much more scope with an Iphone, so unless you are driving taxi's and using it all day every day I would suggest putting the money toward the iphone instead. If an iphone is too expensive an android phone will likely do a similar job (although I am less familiar with android)

Good luck!

franc123, Feb 27, 11:43pm
As above, I wouldn't bother buying a stand alone GPS when you can get mobile phones with that function built into them, and free map updates as and when they are required. Most of the current units with these expensive map upgrades are yesterdays technology and should be avoided IMO, theres no point to them when the likes of Nokia Ovi for example do them free.It's just something else competing for your cigarette lighter port.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 27, 11:46pm
player_smurf what exactly are you using this for! Road navigation, bush, marine or a combination of all three!
BTW, that was me posting above as wills, forgot this machine had autologin!

player_smurf, Feb 28, 12:43am
Road navigation.i just cannot read a map!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 28, 12:44am
Are you a courier or similar or will this be a "use once a week" kind of thing!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 28, 12:48am
Remember when you have the GPS on your phone you also have it with you when walking or with other people in their car, on the bus etc. Plus you also have the internet phone book, google, address book, phone and any othre apps you want with you all the time.
The Iphone also hasa much nicer multi touch screen to work with. I won't pretend its quite as good when used as a straight GPS but it does the job just fine for most uses.

Your results may vary but I got a mint secondand 3G and am over the moon with it. Sort of thing you can pick up for around $450 if you keep your eyes peeled.

jason18, Feb 28, 1:04am
I have the garmin asus phone and it has free map updates for the life of the phone and its a mint phone! Would recommend that!

tnt423, Feb 28, 1:32am
I have a Garmin, my parents have a Tom Tom, the Tom Tom s*its on my Garmin, way easier to use.

player_smurf, Feb 28, 1:41am
No not a courier.just to use every now and then.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 1, 6:59pm
With that in mind, definitely iphone every time in my opinioin.

player_smurf, Mar 2, 5:05pm
Well i now have GPS loaded on my phone.Nokia E71.used it this morning and didn't get lost. Yippee!

sooby, Jun 8, 1:15pm
I have both a tomtom 340XL and a nokia with OVI maps and they are both great, highly recommend them both.To be honest the nokia phone's GPS loads quicker from a cold start if you enable Assisted GPS, which costs mere cents each time but is well worth it in my opinion.