My brother in law purchasd a TOM TOM spat the dummy after18 months Paid $ 500.00 No suport just the run aroundSuper Cheap Paraparaumu were the suplyers Wanted $90.00 just to look at itWe consider them R A TB A G S .
Feb 26, 5:32pm
I wouldn't bother buying a stand alone GPS when you can get mobile phones with that function built into them, and free map updates as and when they are required. It's just something else competing for your cigarette lighter port.Go Nokia Ovi Maps!
buying a map and asking a local for directions is cheaper.
Feb 27, 8:17pm
What dribble, ever tried to read a map where driving! Then wondered if you missed the turn or what ever. You don't see ambulances with maps do you, funny that.
Feb 28, 12:21am
or fire engines .get a gps. never get lost again ! i never go anywhere without it
Mar 2, 2:43pm
i had atomtom 600 dollars had trouble charging it after 22 months super cheap and tomtom didnt want to know to me 90 dollars to look at it finally waved it but wanted 99 dollar to fix it a wire of madam leng tomtom nz chieftill no gowhent and got nav man and going good hope to get it back soon
Mar 2, 3:43pm
Yup, saves so much time, especially trying to memorize map routes. Takes the stress out of driving allowing more focus to be on the road / actual driving.
Mar 2, 3:58pm
Whats wrong with making life easier for youself saving time. Why make it harder if you dont need to pretty obvious thats why gps is used by motorists, boaties, planes.
Does it get the latests maps, new st pop up all the time. Gps double as a speedo to giving you a digital speedo read out vs a analog odmeter that flickers. Then gives you a rough idea of hw far away you are time wise, allows you to plan your day. The benefits sure do out weigh the negatives.
Dec 26, 1:21am
There are some great boxing day sales on. does anyone have any thoughts on which gps is a good one!
Dec 26, 1:46am
The cheapest with the most map upgrades! Stick with known brands like Tomtom, navman, garmin etc, places like Dick Smith have them all on display.
Dec 26, 3:20am
thanks.Heading down to Harvey Norman in the morning with credit card in hand.
Jun 8, 1:53pm
get one with blue-tooth for your phone.then you have hands-free phone in the car as TomTom GPS has this and its brilliant.way better than those add on kits you get for phones.its speaker and microphone seem very good and it simply connects to the phone when i get in the car.even has some of the phones functions on its screen. so phone stays in pocket and i can answer calls and call out etc from the TomTom. one more peice of advice.make sure whatever you get has a decent way of sticking to the windscreen or dash.again, i can only speak for mine, but its got a very good turning-lock suction has never fallen off the glass.
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