One for XB Falcon fans.

gunhand, Jan 12, 1:40am
Painted it a few months ago but only just back on the road.

morrisman1, Jan 12, 1:46am
looks pretty sharp

gunhand, Jan 12, 1:47am
Opps LOL, try now.

morrisman1, Jan 12, 1:48am
even now with the picture added my statement stands

rustihammer, Jan 12, 1:49am

mig5, Jan 12, 1:53am
real nice, they look great in that colour, works well with the lines.

goose13, Jan 12, 1:54am
very nice,you going to Cromwell next weekend!

gunhand, Jan 12, 2:00am
Na, busy, not my car just one I painted.

zephyrheaven, Jan 12, 2:19am
I like how easy it is to spot thats from Gorre - lovely treatment of Tridents & Eagers
Man I wish I had taken my Mk3 to Alex this year - so many cool cars cruising around - Chch people will never understand

neville48, Jan 12, 3:28am
nice car, ever thought of a set of original Fairmont wheel trims on wide [ute] rims for that car, look choice mate.Nice paint.

acecv8, Jan 12, 3:57am
nice car man

compchick, Jan 12, 8:09am
Very nice is that wild violet!Can't wait to see ours done some time in the next millenium.

trogedon, Jan 12, 11:38am
Looks great - apart from the vinyl roof (evenif it was black it would've looked better imho)

fordgod, Jan 12, 3:13pm
Yeah, looks to be wild violet. Nice car.

gunhand, Jan 12, 11:12pm
Yep it is Wild violet.and the roof will either replaced or sprayed black at some ttime when the owner gets around to it.

trogedon, Jan 12, 11:48pm
Good and good. Is there two shades of Wild Violet - the dark one (here) and a light one! A friend had a MK2 (V6 manual in mint condition ;-)) and it was WV but a lighter purple.

gunhand, Sep 13, 11:45am
Hmmm may well be, there are a few that come up when I typewild violet in the paint system search but I used 1973 aussie version.