The car is made in UK, so no, that's why they had to use a winch.
Jan 13, 8:09pm
to haul that focus from standing to 120 mph in what 60 mts or so! would have taken a big winch and even if it had not met a concrete block at the end of it, it would probably been so distorted by the pull it would have been undrivable, possible not quite so dented point taken though - sudden stops are lethal, sudden stops from high speed even more so
Jan 13, 10:38pm
As a volley firefighter, I have had the unfortunate experience of attending a car v truck head=on, which for the car was very close to a true 200kph impact, as the truck had barely braked at impact.Picking through the wreckage to make sure we got every bit of the exploded body is something that will not leave me for a long time yet.
Jan 14, 2:27am
^ that is "total bullshit"
sorry, but at 100 km/h your going too slow to get surprised
Jan 14, 3:58am
so was the ford escort bda and rs2000 but obviously they can't do 120 either by mugen's reckoning - and what cars have NZ produced - oh that's right a useless mountain goat looking thing!
Jan 14, 5:43am
You need to believe it. It happens all the time. I've seen the dead bodies on the side of the road after some of these accidents. Just going out on the road and obeying the road code will not guarantee your safety. How long have you been driving!
Jan 14, 1:50pm
well you finally said something correct
but no, your assertion that paying attention to driving & condition wont stop a crash from happening is rubbish
crashes happen _Because_ those 2 things _Havent_ been performed
* qualified by barring medical conditions & mechanical failures
sorry, but 100 km/h crashes are entirely avoidable & those that manage it have no excuses
Jan 14, 1:58pm
I was taking the piss.
Jan 14, 2:25pm
As I said before; I've seen the tragic result of innocent drivers taken out. For example; a few years ago a father and son were sitting at a red light at an intersection. An idiot comes through the intersection out of control and ploughs straight into their stationary vehicle killing them both. Now then, tell me, what would you have done to avoid that! You're the idiot here.
Jan 15, 3:37am
I don't know about that. I've read plenty of people on here boasting about how their cars can go around any 60km/h (advisory) corner at 100km/h or more. It's all very well. until the day it's not.I've never caused a car crash, but I've been involved in a couple, and I've learned that life is quite good at serving up things that "could/would/should never happen".
Jan 15, 7:05pm
How to turn a Focus into a Smart car ;)
Jan 15, 7:09pm
Do you realise that 100km/h is 28m/s! Twenty-eight meters travelled each second.The next part of the equation is your reflex time which is static.So with a fixed time period, the only way you can reduce the distance travelled and increase the window of time you have to react is to reduce the speed.Increasing speed reduces that time window. That's before you can even contemplate what options are available to a vehicle moving at speed, and if you can make the right call with only one shot to do so.Even if you were Michael Schumacher, good drivers on public roads don't put themselves in situations where they have to rely on their reflexes.
Jan 15, 7:16pm
and most people take up to 2 seconds to respond
so even 100-200m apart when you react by time you react you have pretty much hit if you're slower of the timing on reactions eh
Jan 15, 8:30pm
Don't worry, you'll get your wake-up call eventually. I hope I'm a log way away when it happens!
Jan 16, 4:01pm
Bring Bring .
Jan 17, 12:07am
that you bring him up is the biggest joke of your post. his reactions are extraordinarily average for a human being
if your post was even close to representing reality, then hardly anyone would survive driving
Jan 17, 3:45am
Maybe while he is sitting in his car at an intersection, thinking he's doing just fine!
Jan 17, 3:27pm
The issue is that even with modern crumple zones, whereas you would have probably been killed driving your 1950s chassised car (as opposed to unitary construction) at 40mph in a head on, but survived in a 2011 model,once the speed ramps up, even the crumple zones are not going to help you. Remember also that even with a full cage, and full harness belts, Dr Roger Freeth lost his life due to the sheer force of the impact that was beyond the ability of the human body to withstand, even if the car remains relatively intact.
Jan 17, 3:56pm
So by using that logic.Heres a scene for you. You (yes you) your wife and kids (assuming you have them but we can use girlfriend or boyfriend though) are traveling along a straight 2 lane road at 100kph minding your own business and fully awhere of whats happening around you, because your a good driver, um no excellent I would suspect. Anyway, a car also traveling at 100kph is approching you from other direction. You see it of course being switched on to your surroundings. All good no real threat here. At about 50m before you pass each other the car approahing swerves into your lane (and they do quite often). So got the whole scene sorted! What do you do to aviod it! You realise your mostly likely dead before your reactions even kick in. But of course crashes at 100kph are entirly aviodable. whats your excuse.
Jan 17, 5:25pm
yeah gunhand i agree
when i was crashed into in my fx gt last year i had no where to go safely even though i had picked out an escape route immediately i just ran out of room due to other traffic so only solution was to hit front wheel to front wheel
I was doing 60kmh (didn't realise it was a 50kmh road) they were doing 35kmh and the impact was still big enough to smash both cars to write off!Both cabins totally intact but my front driver's side was rooted and headlight was all the way back to front strut and c pillar on passenger's side was twisted too
I can drive but when there is nowhere to go - there is nowhere to go
Jan 17, 10:34pm
if you or cybertaos opinion were even remotely close to reality, hardly anyone would survive driving
50 meters to react in ! come on, make it a challenge
Jan 17, 10:41pm
So, you can see a threat at 100kph (the one I outlined) see an out and reacte safley all within 2 seconds! My hat goes off to you.
Jan 17, 11:01pm
That's right and no car is going to fair well at that speed. 5 stars like the Focus or 1 star like a Motorbike, the Gs are just too great.
Jan 18, 1:15am
Yep thats the best test
Oct 1, 10:55am
Clearly, you must be supermans sister to have reactions like that ;-)
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