Finding owner of Car?

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shortee2, Mar 1, 6:10pm
This morning i was abused and had my Car damaged by a Man, who Tailgated me, along a very badly damaged road, here in Christchurh, speed limit was 30k i am still very shaken by the incident, but managed to get his Rego, its BNW 303, i want to find out who he is so he can pay for the damage, and maybe get an apology,,,maybe im dreaming about the apology.

gusthe1, Mar 1, 6:28pm
How do you know the driver of the car was the registered owner!

cheviot, Mar 1, 6:28pm
Go to the Police, it's their job.

ontwowheels, Mar 1, 6:43pm
+1. however to often with complaints like this hey are notinterested.and that is before dealing with the aftermath of the quake. Just no $ in it for them.
go speed tho and your the worlds worst crim

directorylist, Mar 1, 6:44pm
best to go to the cops.

flitt, Mar 1, 7:00pm
You are a loudmouthed idiot. You are just too dumb to be able to understand, or work out for yourself why the police may not charge the other driver of that car.

carstauranga001, Mar 1, 7:31pm
e mail me and I'll give you the info

Nissan Cefiro !

shortee2, Mar 1, 7:31pm
The police are so very busy dealing with Earthquake related stuff.i just thought i might get some helpful answers from some one on here, guess i was wrong, Having a Man who was at least 6ft tall and built like a Brick Shit house, screaming abuse and attacking your car, is no fun, i know we are all very stressed here in ChCh, but there was no need for his behaviour.thanks to those who have commented, tho none helpful,Be Safe and Take Care out there.

shortee2, Mar 1, 7:33pm
How do i E Mail you,from the message board!

carstauranga001, Mar 1, 7:35pm
my listing

shortee2, Mar 1, 7:45pm
Found where you meant, you should have the E Mail by now, Thank You so much.

carstauranga001, Mar 1, 7:53pm
I'm feeling generous today.

And sorry for a Cantabrian I guess.

shortee2, Mar 1, 7:54pm

stevel_knievel, Mar 1, 7:54pm
All you're likely to get through contacting him is more abuse. What's the plan once he's told you to f*ck off! Best advice has been given. Go to the police.

shortee2, Mar 1, 8:01pm
Information recieved, you are a Gentleman, Thankyou.

ontwowheels, Mar 1, 8:49pm
I do not take kindly to being called a loud mouthed idiot, and you sir are presumptuous. I said they are not interested in doing anything, not, they don't get charged.Not charging the driver is one thing, being completely uninterested and doing absolutly nothing is another. I have seen and heard of it on so many occasions now. For example, my car gets broken into, we catch the thieving pricks in the act, run to the car as they take off. We get their rego and ring the police within 2 mins of them leaving. The cops did not do a thing. Told me to go and make a statement the next day at local cop shop. So I head down first thing in the morning,the police there did not even want to know about it "what do you want us to do bout it!" well at least takemy statement as my insurance company is going to want a copy. " we don't have to do that and are to busy".
I know of plenty of other similar stories. So you can stick your insult up your naive, presumptuous backside. From my experience, and many I know, the police to often do not want to know about this sort of thing.

ontwowheels, Mar 1, 8:51pm
out of interest let us know how you get on with cops.

peasgood, Mar 1, 9:18pm
Am quite surprised some arshole,s,havent been shot yet,only matter of time,if the cops wont/cant deal with it,Mad Max 2011!

flitt, Mar 1, 10:18pm
ontwowheels I do not believe you. Now I am calling you a liar. You went there and were told 'What do you want us to do about it!' Rubbish.

So with your one, exaggerated and embellished story plus the memory of all the other ones you know (on TMMB) your experience is worth a spit in the dirt.

lookoutas, Mar 1, 10:29pm
If shortee was taking care in the earthquake area, and a plonker damaged his car, then it is a Police matter.

ontwowheels, Mar 1, 11:11pm
I would like to meet you in person so I could tell you to your face what i think of you. I am not a liar, and my story is not embellished, nor exaggerated. What grounds do you have to claim this on and insult my integrity. It was takapuna police station, it was the 3rd time in 2 months we had had cars broken into at the same address, and suspect it was the same people. We saw them this time, had rego number, make and model of car and a description of the 3 guys. I had to insist they take my statement as they did not want to know about it. I am not the only person I know who has had experiences like this, for a range of complaints/ situations. Now I you are probably forming a picture of me in your prejudiced, closed off mind, but I can assure you you would probably be surprised if you meet me.
I am not a liar, I hold integrity and honesty close to my heart and consider them extremely important values. To be accused for no reason that I fall outside these grates me. other instances I know of NO ACTION or investigation from the police include assault and house burglary.
I would like to know how you can claim my stories are exaggerated/ embelished just from reading them, this is an assumption on your part because you have not experienceed these things and wish to believe they do not happen. And what other stories on TMMB are you referring to!

ontwowheels, Mar 1, 11:17pm
and by the way my plus 1 in my first post meant that I agree, it is still the best course of action, I just would not be surprised if they are not overly interested. This is based on my own, and others, experiences. Without lie or exaggeration.

dvince, Mar 1, 11:30pm
What exactly are you gonna do once you have his address! Ask for an apology or slash his tyres.

flitt, Mar 1, 11:45pm
I suppose it was immature of me to call names.

Nevertheless, I take most of the stories here with a pinch of salt. If I was presented with that response at a Police Station I'd be asking for the officer's supervisor, just as if I was anywhere else. I don't know why you didn't. You most certainly would have got some service then.

BTW, Takapuna Station. Isn't that a Community Cop hut! Or is there a new one somewhere!

carstauranga001, Mar 1, 11:53pm
I've got a few accessories on my bike mate, calm down.