Jump starters for using as a camping light source

wron, Mar 6, 1:02am
I met someone who had one of these wee boxes and used it to run a 12v fluroescent (sp!) tube (had a long cord) in his tent - said the light could run for days on a single charge.
Would this be suitable! It's on the 1day site today.

40wav, Mar 6, 1:12am
I cant see why not. It should run a flouro for ages as they dont draw much power anyway, plus it might come in handy for other uses while camping too. From what I've seen, that is not a bad price.

jono2912, Mar 6, 2:52am
Was just concerned about life of the battery inside the jumpstarter! It's made forshort bursts of high voltage, rather than slow draining voltage.

But sure it'd work, for a while.

wron, Mar 6, 3:36am
Thanks 40wave and papa, they kept the jumper box in a camping trailer and passed the cord through a special power vent in the tent.
Jono I see you are an electrical specialistso was very interested in your comment on the life span of the device - it would only be used a few nights a year, not regularly, the rest of the time kept for emergencies, usually other people's cars or my wife when she leaves a light on!
Is there a recommended brand or anything else I should look for!

jono2912, Mar 6, 3:55am
This would work if you're only using it for a couple nights a year, as car batteries have a '2 year' expiry date.

ED: Punct.

jono2912, Mar 6, 3:58am
To be honest, there aren't any 'known' brands, especially if you look at what Mitre 10, Supercheap, and Repco stock. It's more of a case of 'you get what you pay for'.

ED: Quoting.

wron, Mar 7, 3:09am
Thanks again 40wav, jono and papa
Kaz,do you just grab one from the yard when you head off for the 'van! I assume you use them a fair bit - do you favour any particular brand!

whqqsh, Mar 7, 10:47am
we use our jump-pack on 2 lights, a double flouro for the awning & led for the camper, keeps going for nearly a week

kenw1, Jun 27, 12:01pm
The voltage is provides will be more or less constant, what you are talking about is current, high current to start and lower drain current to run the lamp. It should be fine, but dont let it get tooooo discharged.