Abs light is staying on.! I got it checked by a car audio place and they said that all the abs speed sensors are out! "weird" he said. He said that it could be the abs computer so he told me he was going to let me know but 1 week later havent heard from him (useless!) so i dont know what it could be
Anybody could help! apprieciat it
Jan 28, 10:54pm
A Friend had an ABS light on and the garage made him overhaul his break system for $1000. The crappy thing is that it will stop you at WOF even if it is just a faulty sensor.
Jan 28, 11:07pm
Did you do any burnouts lately!
Jan 28, 11:38pm
No I dont thrash my car, its not one to b
Jan 28, 11:41pm
Sorry, had to ask. The last Altezza I had in the workshop with ABS light was due to shredded rubber cutting through the sensor wire.
Jan 29, 12:29am
OPcan I ask a question. Would youget a local dispensary clerkto perform open heart surgery! In essence thats whatyou are doing to your caqr. Take it to a PROPPER auto electrician.
Jan 29, 12:48am
Why take it to a car audio shop! Go see your local auto sparky and see what they say.
Jan 29, 2:26am
Have you put new tyres on it recently!
Jan 29, 2:28am
Sucks to own a modern car lol.could you take the bulb off the ABS light!.
Jan 29, 2:33am
What a funny f.er you are! If your car has ABS, a wof requirement is that the light must come on and go off (with ignition switch ON, but engine not running, in case some other smart arse wires the ABS light to the oil pressure light).
Jan 29, 2:35am
lol sounds like they've got you buy the short and curleys! ABS is a luxury anyway!
Jan 29, 2:41am
I suspect they have yet to realise whow cheap and how easy to wire up a small IC timer is!
Jan 29, 2:49am
Yes, but, a wof check is only a visual inspection. Technically, you can't remove interior trim panels to check for potential damage, timers, or switches. However, if a car fails a wof check due to ABS light, you could ask the owner for a receipt for repairs. But, in my case, as long as the light goes on and off, no worries.
Jan 29, 4:30am
this doesnt help me at all guys!
Jan 29, 4:41am
How mechanically competent are you! If the answer is not very, take it to an auto electrician as said multiple times above.
Jan 29, 4:59am
I managed to half snap an abs wheel sensor without noticing putting the axles back into my falcon. Wasn't hard to isolate the problem, all I had to do was short a pin on the cars diagnostic connector, then look up the error code that got flashed on the dash. Replaced the sensor and was away laughing, imagine it'd be a similar procedure on an Altezza
Jan 29, 5:01am
Just get a diagnostic scan, so simple!
Jan 29, 5:01am
Today I cleaned the front sensors they didnt appear to be snapped2! any idea where the back sensors are lol!
Jan 29, 5:02am
where i will. thanks
Jan 29, 5:03am
Really! that was the first thing i did
Jan 29, 5:09am
i agree, this happens to some of our cars an they just test it and wipe or fix it. done.
Jan 29, 5:20am
If the indicated fault is ALL the sensors disconnected, you need to investigate why.
The logged fault is only a starting point.
Jan 29, 5:28am
and what fault/faults were logged! take it to someone who knows what they are doing
Jan 29, 5:37am
You'd have to assume open circuit to all hall sensors.
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