Motorbike jacket

mbikeman1, Mar 8, 2:16am
anyone able to help with locating the rubber/plastic domes that most late model jackets have!i have a jacket that is missing 2 at the bottom part where the jacket is up against the tank and havenow got a few scratches to repair,no point doing that untill i fix the jacket i guess.ive tried all the local places and have had no success so far.cheers in advance

gunhand, Mar 8, 2:20am
saddler be my guess, It dosnt have a spare on it somewhere does it!
Then put a protector on the tank, use one you buy or make a clear one if you dont like the other sort.

mbikeman1, Mar 8, 2:37am
had thought of the protector,will grab a few as i have several bikes.I do have another jacket as well but just like this one better lol.i have tried the local saddlers and they tried to help out but could only comeup with alternitives(SP).ive had a good look for a spare but havent found any.must be some NZ place that uses these things!

ladyjet1, Mar 8, 2:44am

gunhand, Mar 8, 2:45am
Next bet would be a clothing place who does leather maybe, even though Im guessing yours is a Gortex type. Or a place that does polythene stuff or trampolines that kinda thing, you never know. There is a guy who custom makes leathers for bikers, he was featured in kiwirider a while back. also your local craft shop, as in patch work supplies and the like. also dress makers who have lotsa buttons and domes. OR some who makes gymp suits lol.

40wav, Mar 8, 2:55am
Have you tried Kathmandu! Sounds like something they might have. Good luck

mbikeman1, Mar 8, 3:00am
yes it is a gor tex/cordura type jacket/gimp suit lol.ill try sending a few emails to manufacturers.have tried the local dry cleaners that do repairs also.#4 i have tried all thelocal Upholsterers in the phone book.i havent tried the local craft shop not that i know if we even have one here.what allot of hassle for bassicly just a couple of buttons.ill look into your ideas tomorrow gunhand, cheers

mbikeman1, Mar 8, 3:02am
(Kathmandu)no i havent but i was told that they look like what they use on there backpacks.will try and email them,cheers

ladyjet1, Mar 8, 3:03am
wonder about someone who makes boat covers.

ladyjet1, Jun 30, 1:18pm
perhaps stabicraft or someone like that might know.