Cheers so i'll try pick up a ecu you reckon! looks like it was the original one in the car as the plastic layer over the ecu fault code screw was still sealed over
Mar 8, 11:17pm
i guess i'll just have to try it. in my case the knock sensor could actually be faulty or it could be the ecu at fault
Mar 8, 11:31pm
figures now that im loking for one all on trademe are for manuals and mines auto. guess i'll have to try my local wreckers but man do they charge
Mar 8, 11:40pm
Often caused when the Cat convertor is removed!best thing you can do to a primera is remove the cat.the primera i just sold . did 880ks on a tank full plus $20 from whangarei to wellington . and it was running on 91.
Mar 8, 11:42pm
yep had the cat removed a while back. shit 880k's out of a tank would be awesome
Mar 8, 11:51pm
shaun16 has someone played with the timing .
Jul 2, 6:03am
possibly! i've had the car for about 2 years and it was only getting 400ks per tank and its still getting that now. i've played around with the car heaps and havent made it any worse buy havent made it any better at the same time
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